

9 mins read

Durham Report Indicts FBI For Role in Russiagate Scam But is Silent About the CIA

New investigation should be opened that examines pivotal role played by the Agency in scandal that was used to mobilize liberal support for regime change in Russia and war in Ukraine.


11 mins read

FBI Launched Russiagate With No Evidence, Knowing Clinton Intention Was to Vilify Trump & Distract Public from Her “Server Scandal”

As I have noted previously, the Russiagate saga, which I and others have described as a hoax, is intimately tied to a vicious element of Russphobia that is integral to mainstream US and western culture. Russophobia created a receptive popular audience for mis/disinformation, one readily manipulable by propagandists.


12 mins read

The Most Powerful Demolition of Russiagate Yet

Patrick Lawrence celebrates Jacob Seigel’s essay in Tablet magazine on the “hoax of the century.”


7 mins read

The Russiagate Playbook: ex-CIA chief admits interference in two straight elections

Former CIA deputy director Mike Morell admits that the Biden campaign triggered the false claim that the Hunter laptop story was “Russian disinformation.”


5 mins read

Washington Dreamers

According to the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, which provides the public, policymakers, and scientists with the information needed to reduce manmade threats, we presently live in a time of unprecedented danger. The Bulletin’s 2023 Doomsday Clock now stands at only 90 seconds before midnight.


11 mins read

Why Russiagate was the media’s Vietnam

The press declared war on Donald Trump. They lost


18 mins read

PATRICK LAWRENCE: The Press Reckoning on Russiagate

Jeff Gerth’s investigation for The Columbia Journalism Review exposes the dark heart of the news media’s coverage of alleged Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. elections.


9 mins read

The scary void inside Russiagate

Russiagate began sometime prior to June 2016, not after the presidential election in November, as is often said, as an anti-Trump political project (exactly why, how, and by whom remain unclear, and herein lies the real significance of the largely bogus “dossier” and the still murky role of top US intel officials in the creation of that document).


4 mins read

Pulitzer committee silent after Woodward’s scathing assessment of media’s Russiagate coverage

Bob Woodward said readers were ‘cheated’ by media’s Russiagate coverage


5 mins read

On The Media Of ‘Russiagate’ And Related Fake Stories

Last week Matt Taibbi, with access to Twitter’s internal papers, debunked the fake Hamilton 68 propaganda dashboard that was used to create many stories about alleged Russian disinformation. I had done similar five years earlier but had no access to the original data. There were enough secondary indications to conclude that the dashboard was a sham. Still, have the case made with primary data is a valuable addition.