1 second to midnight

700 words to save my country, the length of a standard editorial. I will be called traitor, and worse for this.

The Russian bear has a very long fuse and is patient. This bear is the graveyard of empires who sought to take its riches. Once again, another empire reaches out. Joe Biden declared that regime change is the goal of the Ukraine war.

Forget whatever history you think you know, because now history doesn’t matter. What matters is throw weight, and who can annihilate whom. Imagine that Xi Jinping was funding an army in Texas for the past 10 years and declared his intent to overthrow this United States. Imagine Xi successfully pressured Russia to join him in sending missiles to that insurgency. Imagine insurgency had been ethnically cleansing east Texas of anglos for a decade. Missiles to hit Washington. What would the US do? What would be our mood? That is Russia today.

“But no! You don’t understand! It’s just Vladimir Putin!” the choir sings. “He’s evil! We are helping Russia!”

Vladimir Putin is the most popular elected leader in global history, verified by Western poling agencies.


Putin is popular for good reason. His team raised Russia’s GDP per capita by a factor of 12.


Putin’s team fixed the Russian tax system. His team started using Russia’s central bank the way every developed nation from Japan to the USA does. Yes, you can see that sanctions and the sabotage of the gas pipeline had some effect, but sane Russians correctly blame the USA and Europe for this, not their president.

Russians have seen the lying face of American leaders, who also lie to Americans. “What lie?!” the choir screams, “Name one!”

A big lie. The phone call Joe Biden made to Vladimir Putin in 2014 asking him to tell Ukraine’s president Yanukovych to keep security forces in barracks, “to calm things down.” In a gesture of goodwill, Vladimir Putin did so. And that is how it was possible for the Bandera militia coup to take over Kiev, and immediately start a civil war with the Russian East. Immediately, Barrack Obama announced that the Ukrainians loyal to their democracy were “The rebels”. American journalists repeated this lie that the loyalists are “rebels”, and every Western news outlet continues to tell it.

Another lie. The Hunter laptop was Russian disinformation. That lie decided the last American election. That lie gave us Joe Biden as president. The FBI authenticated Hunter’s laptop. It was evident from the beginning to anyone who looked at the photos, texts, and emails that it was real. That laptop documented that after the Kyiv coup by the Banderas with Nuland’s help, the Obama administration put that drug-addicted spoiled rotten gentleman Hunter into Ukraine as the liaison to the White House. Those gangsters in Kyiv used that addict, providing drugs and pressing girls into sexual service. They did so with supreme disgust and contempt for him, and for the American administration that put him there—until he was no longer useful.

A supporting lie. The replacement of the original CIA map of Ukraine with a blank map. Anyone looking at this original map sees the boundaries of the civil war in Ukraine, and realizes that the Kiev regime has been ethnically cleansing Russians that have been there as long as the USA has been a nation.

Another lie. Time and again the Biden White House told Kiev not to accept a very reasonable treaty offered by Russia, blaming this on Russia. Don’t believe for a second that this administration cares for the people or the army of Ukraine. They are tools to grind up to overthrow Russia’s government. The underlying reason is that Russia is the most resource rich nation on earth. Wall Street, hedge funds, and the big banks want to feast on Russia’s resources to make trillions. Ukraine is now drafting old men for the Bandera’s war.

Another lie. Ukraine’s leaders are our friends. Those gangsters sold ICBM technology to North Korea from the rocket factory. So now North Korea can hit every American city. Such friends.

Now we sit on the brink of nuclear war with a nation that can incinerate the USA, sea to shining sea.

This year, 2024, the Atomic Scientists set the Doomsday clock to 90 seconds to midnight in January1. May, Russia ran exercises for nuclear war. June, Russia gave field commanders authority to order nuclear strikes. October 4th, Russia’s ambassador went back to Russia saying he was done, America did not take the nuclear threat seriously. This is what a nation does that sees no alternative but war. It is obvious that Russia is waiting for the outcome of this election on November 4th. If Trump does not win, they will launch. Not all-out nuclear war, no. But…

Seattle, dear readers, is on the strike list. How do I know? The Vancouver embassy is temporarily closed. Too close by.

The Western world is set up with a trip-wire in Europe. A single nuclear strike on a European city to show just how serious Russia really is, will activate NATO. From there it is a few minutes step off of Half-Dome’s cliff to our annihilation.

Our president is a senile old man in diapers that wanders off at state functions. Our vice president is a deer in headlights when her teleprompter goes out while running for office. And I know the polcats who advise her.

“You’re a woman! You must be strong!” that is what they will say to Kamala, if Kamala is allowed to become president “Strike their silos from our submarines! Now!”

The senile old man in diapers? Who knows what he would do. That he has not been removed by the cabinet is an outrage.

I am unique in that I have been down inside of a working Russian nuclear bomb shelter built in the Stalin/Khruschev era, one of many. It was not a showpiece. The people used it for storing their food safely for winter. I have visited Russians in those huge Stalin-era apartment complex/fortresses up to half a mile long. These have walls one to three meters thick. An air burst over head would not kill everyone inside.

The USA has nothing but a few subways. We have a place for the president and congress to go. Russia is uniquely prepared for all-out nuclear war. The will recover and rebuild in time.

“But nuclear winter! They couldn’t!” Russian winters are -40 degrees. Russians endured 1917, Communism, WW2, and the Yeltsin “Mad Max” years. No American can understand. Twenty-seven million Russians died in WW2. Four million died of homicide, suicide, and starvation in the Mad Max years of Yeltsin.

An hour after the order to retaliate, the United States of America will be no more. Some naval ships may survive. Submarines may survive.

1100 words to save my country.

The idiocracy babbles on.

  1. https://thebulletin.org/doomsday-clock/current-time/ ↩︎
