8 mins read
With new U.S. stance, Russians envision a return to normalcy — and Ikea
As Russian and U.S. officials suddenly appear to be getting along and agreeing with each other, Russians dare to imagine life returning to normal.
102 mins read
Conventional wisdom holds that President John F. Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963, by Lee Harvey Oswald, a deranged lone assassin and communist—as the officially sanctioned Warren Commission concluded.
An alternative theory advanced most popularly in Oliver Stone’s 1993 blockbuster film JFK suggests that Oswald was a patsy working as part of a larger conspiracy and that secret cabals within the government associated with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), military-industrial complex and Mafia orchestrated Kennedy’s assassination.
Stone has faced tremendous personal backlash for his muckraking efforts, which drew on the investigations of New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison (1962-1972) who prosecuted Clay Shaw, a CIA agent who had been in contact with Oswald, for his supposed involvement in the conspiracy.
In early 1967, Garrison was privately telling people around New Orleans that the JFK assassination could be “traced back” to [Vice President] Lyndon Johnson” or that LBJ could be “found in it someplace.”[1]
While Stone and others highlight that Kennedy was killed because he was planning to withdraw all U.S. troops from Vietnam, evidence also indicates that the motivations behind the assassination were more about the personal needs for self preservation of one out-sized and evil man—a desperate and conniving Machiavellian who was on the verge of being dropped from the 1964 Democratic Party ticket and completely destroyed by the Kennedys. What would such a ferocious, cornered animal do? The answer is clear.
Johnson of course could not have acted alone but must have acted in concert with other key political players who all had their own motives for taking down JFK: namely, a collusion of interests.
The main culprits in the plot led by Johnson and in the cover-up had to have included:
1. Edward Clark, LBJ’s attorney and an infamous Texas power broker who Reader’s Digest had proclaimed in the 1950’s as the “secret political boss of Texas.” Clark privately bragged to his fellow lawyer Barr McClellan about his involvement in the JFK assassination. Clark’s motivation was that he derived a lot of his money (large legal retainer fees) and power from his longtime association with LBJ who awarded Clark with the ambassadorship to Australia (a key American ally in the Vietnam War).
2. Air Force General and CIA agent Edward Lansdale, who was enraged by the assassination on November 2, 1963 of Ngo Dinh Diem whom Lansdale had worked with closely (Kennedy approved the coup that led to Diem’s murder) and was enraged over being fired by Kennedy on October 31, thinking he had control over Vietnam policy. After Kennedy’s death, Lansdale was appointed director of counterinsurgency in Vietnam under President Johnson;
3. David Atlee Phillips, a hard-core right-wing CIA officer and a native of Fort Worth, Texas, who was angry over Kennedy’s Cuba policy. Phillips told his brother James Atlee Phillips on his deathbed that he had been in Dallas at the time of the JFK assassination, which was an oblique admission to his involvement the JFK assassination. That story comes from Phillips’ nephew Shawn Phillips. David Atlee Phillips who became the head of CIA Operations for the Western hemisphere also told former House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) investigator Kevin Walsh, “My final take on the assassination is there was a conspiracy, likely including American intelligence officers.”
4. David Harold (D.H.) Byrd, was a close personal friend of Lyndon Johnson who owned the Texas School Book Depository (TSBD), from where Oswald supposedly shot JFK (on the sixth floor). Byrd was wealthy oilman in addition to being a military contractor owner of the aeronautics company Ling Temco Vaught (LTV).[2] Peter Dale Scott in 1970 proved in his unpublished manuscript The Dallas Conspiracy that Byrd and fellow investor James Ling (also an LBJ friend) made large insider stock buys of 132,000 shares of LTV stock in the weeks before the JFK assassination. These insider stock buys occurred at a time when Defense Secretary Robert McNamara and news publications in the fall of 1963 were predicting large defense cuts. LTV stock rocketed upward during the Vietnam War and it traded as high as $169/share in 1967 in the midst of the Vietnam War. Byrd would not have been happy about the Kennedy Administration’s plans to cut back the oil depletion allowance which was a large money-saving tax break for oil men and certainly he wanted his man LBJ in the White House positioned to deliver lucrative military contracts to LTV. Byrd later removed the sniper’s window from the TSBD and displayed it in his home as a trophy along with the heads of his other big game killings;
5. FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover was involved in the coverup. He had a caustic relationship with the Kennedy’s who were going to make him retire on January 1, 1965 when he reached the mandatory retirement age of 70. (LBJ signed an executive order exempting Hoover from the mandatory federal retirement age for an indefinite period, saying that the country needed him[3]); and
6. Ex-CIA Director Allen Dulles was also a key figure in the coverup as a member of the Warren Commission. Like Hoover, he hated Kennedy because Kennedy had fired him after the Bay of Pigs. Dulles once stated “that little Kennedy, he thought he was a God.”
Johnson’s background would help explain his later murderous behavior. Born in Johnson City, Texas, his psychopathic tendencies went back to his childhood.[4] Professor Emmette Redford, who grew up with Johnson, told author Barr McClellan that in 1926 Johnson blew up a stray dog with dynamite in the Johnson City town square as a practical joke.[5]
Characterized by historian Edgar F. Tatro as “Caligula with a southern drawl[6],” Johnson had a perfect combination of malevolent Dark Triad personality characteristics: narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy.
As part of a drive to dominate and humiliate subordinates, Johnson would defecate in front of reporters and his staff and even had an enema in front of them. His lack of impulse control and regard for other people’s feelings was also evident when he placed his hands up a women’s skirt right in front of his wife, Lady Bird.[7]
George Reedy, Johnson’s press secretary, was quoted as saying, “As a human being… Johnson was a miserable person, a sadist, and a bully… with no sense of loyalty… who enjoyed tormenting and humiliating those closest to him.” Edgar Tatro described Johnson as a “chronic liar; as bad as you can be and still be a human being.” Another acquaintance characterized Johnson as a “man who…managed to combine the worst elements of mankind’s traits into his personality.”[8]
Young Lyndon embarked on his political career with the help of his father Sam, a Texas State legislator and “cowboy type a little on the rough side” who identified as an agrarian populist but “ran around with rich lobbyists,” including Roy Miller, a front man for Texas Gulf Sulphur Company who secured low taxes from Johnson and others in the legislature on sulphur mining.[9]
Lyndon similarly presented himself as a liberal but associated with wealthy oilmen and financiers like George and Herman Brown of Brown & Root who bankrolled LBJ’s campaigns and in return for political favors, helped Johnson to amass a personal fortune of $25 million at the time of the JFK assassination, equal to $250 million today.[10]
Because Johnson was not naturally popular among the people of Texas, he had to cheat to win. The murder of JFK was preceded by a number of other murders that originated with the cover-up of ballot stuffing in a 1948 runoff election in the Democratic primary for U.S. Senate in Texas.
Johnson was losing the race to former Governor Coke Stevenson by 114 votes—until 200 extra votes were magically produced in Alice, Texas, through bribery in what became known as the Box 13 scandal.[11]
In 1952, Johnson appears to have ordered the killing of Sam Smithwick, the deputy sheriff of Alice, Texas where the fraud took place.
Twenty-three days before he died, Smithwick wrote to Coke Stevenson, informing him that he could produce the missing ballot box that Luis Salas, the election judge, had kept out of court proceedings in Alice three years earlier.
Smithwick’s body was found hanging from steel bars on his jail cell gate by his bed (Smithwick was in jail on an unrelated murder charge); allegedly he had been strangled by guards.[12]
LBJ himself told journalist Ronnie Dugger that Texas Governor Allan Shivers directly accused Johnson of Smithwick’s murder in 1952, stating that “Shivers charged me with murder.” Shivers’ accusation came in 1956.[13]
Johnson’s motive in orchestrating the plot to kill Kennedy was very clear. In November 1963, the Kennedy’s were plotting to remove Johnson from the Vice Presidential ticket in the 1964 election and destroy him by leaking to the media and Republicans in Congress information about his criminal activity that could land him in jail along with Johnson’s association with two white-collar criminals who served as his financial bagmen—Billie Sol Estes and Bobby Baker.
Burkett van Kirk, chief counsel in 1963 for the Republican minority on the Senate Rules Committee, told journalist Seymour Hersh that Attorney General Robert Kennedy was feeding damaging information on Lyndon Johnson’s corruption to the Senate Rules Committee in fall, 1963, in an attempt to destroy LBJ. The Kennedys were working with the Republicans on the Senate Rules Committee to take down LBJ because LBJ was too close to the Democrats.
Van Kirk told Hersh that “Bobby was feeding information to whispering Willie [nickname for Senator John Williams]. The Kennedy brothers,” Van Kirk said, were “dumping Johnson.”[14]
That Johnson was being dumped was confirmed by JFK’s Secretary Evelyn Lincoln, who wrote in her memoir Kennedy and Johnson about a conversation on November 19, 1963, two days before the president left for Texas, in which Kennedy expressed his dissatisfaction with Johnson and said “I will need as a running mate a man who believes as I do. At this time, I am thinking about Governor Terry Sanford of North Carolins, but it will not be Lyndon.”[15]
Johnson himself knew the Kennedys were going to remove him from the 1964 Democratic ticket. A midwestern Senator who traveled with Johnson on a fall fundraising affair for Senator Thomas Dodd told colleagues that Johnson had remarked during their New England visit that “I am going to be out for a second term. Jack has another man in mind for Vice President.”[16]
James Wagenvoord, the editorial business manager and assistant to Life magazine‘s Executive Editor in 1963, said that his magazine was creating a three-part exposé set to be published beginning in their December 6th issue focusing on Johnson’s relationship with Bobby Baker, whose intention was to end “Johnson’s political career, and possibly send him to prison.”
Wagenvoord told historian Robert Morrow that a Justice Department lawyer sent by Bobby Kennedy came to Life’s offices and provided Life’s editors with a dossier that possessed damning information which would ruin Lyndon Johnson’s career.
Phil Brennan, who in 1963 was writing a column for the National Review and helped get Senator John Williams (R-DE) onto the Bobby Baker story, wrote that “the attorney general, Bobby Kennedy, called five of Washington’s top reporters into his office, and told them it was now open season on Lyndon Johnson. It’s ok, he told them, to go after the story they were ignoring out of deference to the administration.”[17]
Horace Busby, a longtime Johnson aide, wrote in his memoirs that when he and Johnson travelled together to Luxembourg in early November, Johnson expressed extreme concern about being dumped from the ’64 ticket. His personality was such that he could not accept being humiliated by the Kennedy’s and destroyed and had to strike at them to prevent this.
Johnson was aware that reporters were spreading out over the state of Texas at the time talking with attorneys, banks, businessmen and Johnson’s known political enemies, digging deep into Johnson’s career in rough-and-tumble Texas politics going back to before World War II.[18]
The damaging dossier distributed by Kennedy included information on LBJ’s history of taking massive bribes and kickbacks, using Bobby Baker, who according to various reports “knew where the bodies were buried.”
Baker had helped deliver mob money to Johnson in exchange for Johnson helping to kill anti-racketeering legislation in the Senate, including that which banned interstate transportation of slot machines, regulated racing wires, and aimed to rewrite the tax laws to make it tougher on gamblers.
In 1963, Baker reported a personal net worth of more than $2 million despite receiving a salary of less than $20,000 per year, and was sued for influencing a defense contractor to hire a vending machine company, Serv-U, in which Baker had a hidden interest.
Baker further served as “the pimp” for Johnson, along with President Kennedy and Senator George Smathers, introducing them and other congressmen to beautiful women at the plush Carousel resort hotel he owned in Ocean City, Maryland, and the Quorum Club he helped establish across from the Senate office building, where they could relax with “party girls.”[19]
Tellingly, one of Johnson’s first calls after returning to Washington following the Kennedy assassination, was to get an update from Abe Fortas, his crisis adviser and Baker’s attorney, on the congressional investigations into Baker’s influence peddling, sweetheart business deals and Washington sex—something that Johnson was very apprehensive about.[20]
In the months leading up to JFK’s assassination, Johnson was also apprehensive about the exposure of his relationship with Billie Sol Estes, the “wonder boy of Texas agriculture in the 1950s,” who functioned as Johnson’s cutout for $10 million in illegal kickbacks ($100 million in 2022).[21]
Secret Service Agent Abraham Bolden said recently that, on June 29, 1961, at 7 p.m., he witnessed a volcanic argument between Johnson and the Kennedys (JFK and RFK) in the White House Oval Office in which LBJ told Kennedy: “Are you bastards trying to send me to prison about some goddamn cotton!…You bastards had better stop fucking with me you motherfuckers.”
Bolden reported to Secret Service Director Urbanus Baughman that Lyndon Johnson was a security threat to the life of John Kennedy.
A year later, President Kennedy ordered the Justice Department and FBI to open investigations into Estes orchestrating a fraudulent scheme involving the lease of fertilizer tanks and his amassing cotton farm allotments in violation of U.S. Department of Agriculture regulations.[22]
Prompted in part by local newspaper exposés, the investigation was partially designed to determine if Secretary of Agriculture Orville L. Freeman had also been “compromised” (Freeman was cleared).
Billie Sol was indicted in March 1962, convicted a year later and sentenced to 24 years in prison, serving eight and then another four on another fraud charge in the 1970s.[23]
Publicly, Johnson denied knowing Estes except to admit having sent a patronage letter and to have met him in a reception line at a political event.
The denials were not persuasive, however, and rumors began to emerge that Johnson would soon be forced to resign as Vice President or be dropped from the 1964 ticket—since Kennedy would be annoyed and embarrassed by questions about Johnson’s ties to a crook like Estes.[24]
Researcher David Denton wrote: “There’s no way to underestimate the depth of the trouble LBJ found himself in by 1963. By that time, there had been multiple scandals associated with Johnson that had the potential not only to have him removed from the ticket in 1964, but possibly to put him in jail. His troubles all went away the instant Kennedy was shot in Dallas.”[25]
At the very moment when JFK’s motorcade was slowing down on Elm Street, Don Reynolds, a Maryland insurance agent who was a friend of Bobby Baker, was testifying to a closed session of the Senate Rules Committee about LBJ’s kickbacks and corruption.
Johnson could have ultimately been linked to the death of Henry Marshall, a U.S. Department of Agriculture employee investigating Estes’s fraudulent scheme, who was found dead in June 1961 on his farm near Bryan, Texas, in Robertson County, after being shot five times in the chest.
Robertson County Sheriff Howard Stegall immediately ruled Marshall’s death a suicide, though a Houston medical examiner explained that at least three of the five shots were debilitating—meaning it was impossible for Marshall to have shot himself five times.[26]
Johnson rigged a 1962 Grand Jury investigating the Henry Marshall suicide ruling. The judge, Harold “Barefoot” Sanders, had been appointed by Johnson as Attorney General for the northern district of Texas. The U.S. Department of Justice, then headed by Robert F. Kennedy, refused to turn over reports and documents to aid the Grand Jury’s investigation, including a 175-page Department of Agriculture file, in order to protect President Kennedy and Johnson from being brought down in a scandal.
Twenty years later after the 1962 Grand Jury suicide ruling, Estes returned to the Robertson County Courthouse and testified before a grand jury that Marshall had been murdered on orders of the then newly elected Vice President, Lyndon B. Johnson, who was afraid Marshall might link him to Billie Sol’s frauds. The orders purportedly went through Clifton C. Carter, Johnson’s long-time Texas aide who had run Johnson’s Senate campaigns.[27]
The hit man for Marshall’s killing, according to Estes was Malcolm “Mac” Wallace, a former University of Texas student body president—though a sketch of the killer produced by a gas station attendant actually resembled Estes.[28]
Johnson had helped Wallace escape a long prison term after he murdered a man who had been dating his sister, Josefa, and then arranged a security clearance for him so he could work for a security contractor in California, Ling-Temco-Vought or LTV.[29]
With Johnson basically owning him, Wallace became one of Johnson’s political “hatchet men.” His fingerprints were identified by A. Nathan Darby, a fingerprint expert with the Austin Police Identification Unit, as being on a cardboard box in the sniper’s nest on the 6th floor of the Texas School Book Depository, making him one of the suspects in the JFK assassination.[30]
Yet another scandal in which Johnson was enmeshed that was averted because of the JFK assassination surrounded a then-record $6.5 billion contract awarded by the Pentagon to General Dynamics on November 24, 1962, for construction of the Tactical Fighter Experimental (TFX) plane (later known as the F-111).
The contract went to General Dynamics instead of Boeing, even though it was determined that Boeing could produce the plane better and more cheaply.
Johnson was very close with two pivotal figures who helped secure the deal: Deputy Defense Secretary Roswell Gilpatric, who had been a special counsel to General Dynamics, and Navy Secretary Fred Korth, who had been president of a Texas bank that lent $400,000 to General Dynamics (which had headquarters in Ft. Worth).
Don B. Reynolds, who recruited Bobby Baker into his firm, testified before the Senate Rules Committee that Baker had told him he had received a $100,000 payoff for the TFX contract, and that “Johnson had interceded to make sure that the TFX was awarded to General Dynamics,” receiving the money as a reward.
Having been informed of possible improprieties in the transaction, Senator Henry “Scoop” Jackson (D-WA) requested that Senator John McClellan (D-Ark.) pursue an investigation that would have exposed Johnson’s corruption.
After Kennedy’s assassination, Johnson shut down the McClellan investigation; it was only resumed in 1969, after Johnson had served out his presidential term.[31]
Johnson’s behavior on November 23, 1963 makes him look guilty.
1. In the morning, Johnson called his mistress Madeleine Brown and told her that “after today those goddam Irish mafia bastards will never embarrass me again! That is a promise not a threat.”
Then, on December 31, 1963, at the Driskoll hotel in Dallas where Johnson is confirmed to have stayed, Johnson told Brown that the assassination was pulled off by “Texas oil and those fucking renegade intelligence bastards in Washington.”[32]
2. Johnson tried to arrange to ride in his limo with Jackie Kennedy against normal protocol not wanting her to get shot.[33]
3. Johnson immediately after Kennedy was shot raised alarm that the shooting was the first phase of a Soviet nuclear attack but delayed his trip Washington, waiting around Dallas Love Field on Air Force One and contacting a federal judge to swear him in president. Johnson told Press Secretary Mac Kilduff (who was filling in for Pierre Salinger) that Kennedy was the victim of a communist conspiracy when many people had warned Kennedy not to go to Dallas because of the threat of right wing extremists trying to gun him down. How would Johnson know it was a communist conspiracy and why wouldn’t he suspect that it was a right wing nut that had shot Kennedy?
4. Johnson looked solemn during the proceeding; however, the last photo taken of him shows him with his face turned to a long-time colleague, Congressman Albert Thomas who is pictured winking at him, indicating that Johnson may have been winking and smiling too. Johnson would later candidly say on that day: “I never felt better.”
5. According to Doyle Whitehead, a steward on Air Force One, Johnson and his entourage had the gall to celebrate on the plane ride back to Washington. Whitehead said that “Johnson was a heavy drinker [and] drank about half a fifth of Cutty Sark [Scotch whiskey] on the flight back. They were laughing and talking about ‘what we gon’ do now.’ They were so loud we had to shut the door so Jackie wouldn’t hear them.”[34]
6. At the moment that Oswald was being treated in Parkland Hospital’s Trauma Room Two after being shot by Jack Ruby, one of the treating doctors, Charles Crenshaw, received a phone call from Johnson who was trying to get a confession from Oswald.[35] Phyllis Bartlett, the head telephone operator of Parkland Hospital, confirmed that LBJ had in fact called Parkland Hospital while Oswald was dying.
According to Crenshaw, Johnson asked him how the accused assassin was doing and then asked for the chief operating surgeon to take a deathbed confession. This gives the impression that Johnson was desperate to pin the killing on Oswald to eliminate any possible scrutiny into the larger conspiracy of which he was a part.
7. One of the first things the new President Johnson did, possibly while he was still at Parkland Hospital, was to call his investment advisor Waddy Bullion and tell him to sell his “goddamn Halliburton stock.” In 1962 Halliburton had bought out the construction firm Brown and Root which had been owned by Herman and George Brown. The Browns were LBJ’s longtime “sugar daddies” from the 1930s and LBJ had by 1963 already steered them a bounty of lucrative contracts. Brown and Root later won a bevy of huge Vietnam War contracts.
8. Captain Will Fritz, the Chief of Detectives for the Dallas Police, said that he received two or three phone calls following the arrest of Lee Harvey Oswald from officials telling him to stop the investigation because “You have your man.” Fritz persisted investigating until Saturday afternoon 11/23, the day after the JFK assassination, when Lyndon Johnson personally called and ordered Captain Fritz to stop his investigation, as if the case had been solved. Fritz said in 1975 at a gathering in a fashionable section of north Dallas that “when the president of the United States called me and ORDERED the investigation stopped, what could I do?”[36]
9. Johnson tried to get an inquiry into the killing in Texas that he could control, only settling when that didn’t materialize for the Warren Commission.
Following his incarceration, Oswald’s assassin Jack Ruby told a reporter that, “if Adlai Stevenson were Vice President, there would never have been an assassination of our beloved President Kennedy.” When asked to explain what he meant, Ruby responded: “Well, the answer is the man in office now.”[37]
Ruby further said that “in order to understand the [JFK] assassination, you have to read the book ‘A Texan Looks at Lyndon.’”[38]
In a jailhouse letter, Ruby wrote: “Only one person could have had that information [on Oswald being hired just two weeks before to work at the Texas School Book Depository] and that man was Johnson…because he is the one who was going to arrange the trip [of Kennedy to Dallas]..The only one who gained by the shooting. They alone planned the killing, by they I mean Johnson and others…you may learn quite a bit about Johnson and how he has fooled everyone.”[39]
On Air Force One, Jackie Kennedy told her Press Secretary Pamela Turnure that “Lyndon Johnson did it.”[40]
In 1977, Jackie told Meg Azzoni, a girlfriend of her son, Jackie Kennedy Jr. at her apartment in New York City that she didn’t like or trust Lyndon Johnson. Jackie believed that Texas oilmen who supported Johnson were also involved in the assassination.
The oilmen—including Clint Murchison and H.L. Hunt—feared that Kennedy would cut the oil depletion allowance, which gave Texas oilmen significant tax exemptions to compensate for the depletion of oil reserves.
Jackie’s mother Janet Auchincloss believed like her daughter that LBJ was behind JFK’s murder.[41]
JFK’s Secretary Evelyn Lincoln fingered Johnson after making a list of suspects on a letterhead. Lincoln said that the world would have been a better place if Lyndon Johnson never existed.
At least three intelligence operatives also fingered Johnson. E. Howard Hunt, a CIA operative who said he was invited to participate in the plot, named CIA operatives David Atlee Phillips, Cord Meyer, Bill Harvey, David Morales and Frank Sturgis as being involved in the JFK hit, and said that LBJ was the conspiracy’s chief organizer.[42]
When CIA Director William Casey (1981-1987)’s nephew asked his uncle who killed JFK, Casey responded that “Lyndon Johnson had his fingers in the soup bowl.”[43]
And after Ted Kennedy killed a young woman by driving his car into a lake on Cape Cod (the 1969 Chappaquiddick affair), Joseph J. Capucci, the head of Air Force counter-intelligence and a close friend of J. Edgar Hoover, told Jan Amos, the wife of his aide, Colonel William Amos, “now I know why LBJ killed JFK.”
Barry Goldwater, the longtime Republican Senator from Arizona and the 1964 Republican Party presidential opponent of LBJ also came to believe that Lyndon Johnson orchestrated the JFK assassination. At an October 1973 Republican political picnic in Willcox in Cochise County, AZ, Goldwater told one of his constituents Jeffrey Hoff that he was convinced that Lyndon Johnson was behind the JFK assassination and that the Warren Commission was a complete coverup.
Hoff said that Goldwater was quite comfortable in this belief. [44] Goldwater also read and complimented the 1974 book Murder From Within which was written by Fred Newcomb. Newcomb’s book pointed the finger at the Secret Service and Lyndon Johnson for involvement in the JFK assassination.
FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover reported on December 1, 1963, to W. Marvin Watson, LBJ’s chief of staff, that the Soviet KGB, then the world’s largest intelligence service, was in “possession of data purporting to indicate that President Johnson was responsible for the assassination of the late President John F. Kennedy.”
According to Soviet officials, Johnson may have acted as part of a larger conspiracy on the part of the “ultra-right” in the U.S. to “effect a coup” whose purpose was to fuel anti-communist sentiments (since Oswald’s public persona was that of a “pro-Castro Marxist”) which would stop detente with the Soviet Union and create a pretext for an attack on Cuba.[45]
One week after the murder of JFK, the Kennedys sent their close friend William Walton to deliver a message to the leaders of the USSR. This message was that “Dallas was the ideal location for the crime,” that the murder of JFK was most definitely a high level domestic conspiracy and that the selection of Lyndon Johnson as Vice President had been a “dreadful mistake.” The Soviets combined this Kennedy message with the information that their vast web of intelligence sources provided and came to the conclusion, by September 1965, that Lyndon Johnson had orchestrated the JFK assassination.
At the 1960 Democratic Party convention in Los Angeles, JFK had invited Stewart Symington (D-MO) to be his running mate; however, Johnson, using information provided to him by FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover and his own surveillance operation, threatened to expose JFK’s sexual dalliances (which were taboo in 1960) and his suffering from Addison’s Disease.
Johnson also told Bobby that if he were not on the ticket, he would block any legislation JFK would have wanted to pass as Majority leader in the Senate.
JFK told his friend Hy Raskin: “we had never considered Lyndon [for the 1960 ticket], but I was left with no choice. He and Sam Rayburn made it damn clear to me that Lyndon had to be the candidate. Those bastards were trying to frame me. They threatened me with problems and I don’t need more problems. I’m going to have enough problems with Nixon.”[46]
When a wealthy Lyndon backer burst into the Johnson suite cursing and swearing because he was going to help JFK win the presidency, Bobby Baker took him into a bedroom and explained what they had in mind, according to Don Reynolds. The backer came out all smiles, saying he thought that was an “excellent plan!” Bobby Baker would later state that JFK would not live out his term and would die a violent death.[47]
The evening of the assassination, Johnson ordered the Dallas Police and the District Attorney’s office not to pursue suspicions of conspiracy even though he did not have the authority to do so.
J. Edgar Hoover acted as if he had the case “solved” by 4:01 p.m. EST and that Oswald was the assassin.
The swift conclusion about Oswald was suspicious since Oswald never admitted to his guilt and said he had been set up as a patsy.
Hoover’s professed certainty about Oswald’s guilt conflicts with the director’s phone discussions with President Johnson in the week following the shooting. Hoover showed some confusion in those conversations about the developing cover story and the “evidence” supporting the assertion that there was no one else involved in the assassination. Johnson apparently played dumb in the conversation for the benefit of recording devices. However, in one conversation, both men referred to “they” as having done the shooting.[48]
Also in a 14-minute conversation between Hoover and Johnson at 10 a.m. on November 23, Hoover said that the evidence that they had at that time against Oswald was “not very strong.” If that were true, then how come Hoover said the day before that evidence of Oswald’s guilt was strong—before the FBI investigation had been carried out.[49]
The story the Warren Commission sanctioned about Oswald as the killer was implausible because it advanced the magic bullet hypothesis postulating that a single bullet caused eight wounds in John F. Kennedy and Texas Governor John Connally who had been riding with him.
Defying the laws of physics, that bullet would have had to have hit Kennedy near the top of his back and come out the front of his neck, gone through Connally’s back, come out of his chest, smashed his right wrist, and caused a puncture wound in his left thigh.[50]
And, after doing all that bone-breaking damage, the magic bullet was supposedly found in pristine condition on a gurney in the hospital, which was not even used to carry either Kennedy or Connally.[51]
The official story also assumed that Oswald killed Kennedy with two perfectly fired shots when he was an average shooter at best in his Marine Corps days and was supposedly armed with an extremely poor quality, antique Italian army-surplus rifle equipped with a defective scope.
No one, including the best “master marksman” in the nation, has ever been able to duplicate the alleged shot-making skill of Oswald, who did not show enough interest in target practice in the Marine Corps to become an expert rifleman.[52]
The most important documentary record of President Kennedy’s assassination is, of course, Dallas dress manufacturer Abraham Zapruder’s home movie of the shooting, which appears to show President Kennedy reeling from shots fired from locations other than the Texas School Book Depository, notably the grassy knoll near where Kennedy’s motorcade passed, a conclusion which contradicts the Warren Commission report’s finding.[53]
Of the 90 witnesses who were asked by police, the FBI or Secret Service where the shots that struck Kennedy came from, 58 said the grassy knoll.[54]
When Carl Renas drove Kennedy’s limousine a few days after the assassination and discovered that the molding strip in the car had been hit with a primary strike—and not simply a bullet fragment—he was told to keep his mouth shut because that would imply that there were more than three shots fired—the number fired from the Texas School Book Depository.[55]
CIA photographic analyst Homer McMahon told the Assassination Review Board in 1997 that, when he worked on a version of the Zapruder film during the weekend of the assassination, he thought he saw JFK reacting to six to eight shots fired from at least three directions.[56]
One photograph of the assassination site showed a road sign that was struck by a stray bullet, which was quickly removed because it was more evidence that more than three shots had been fired.[57]
Two doctors who treated Kennedy at Parkland Hospital, Malcolm Perry and William Kemp Clark, told reporters at a news conference in mid-afternoon that Kennedy had been shot from the front—which makes the scenario of Oswald as the lone assassin shooting Kennedy from the Texas School Book Depository impossible.[58]
Dallas Police Chief Jesse Curry admitted in a 1969 interview with the Dallas Morning News that “We don’t have any proof that Oswald fired the rifle, and never did. Nobody’s yet been able to put him in that building with a gun in his hand.”[59]
Curry further admitted in a videotaped interview with assassination researcher Peter Dale Scott in Dealey Plaza during the late 1970s that the medical and photographic evidence indicated that a shooter probably was firing from the front and that Kennedy was hit with two shots fired from the grassy knoll.
When Scott suggested that “the evidence we have…is rather strong evidence that there was another assassin involved,” Curry replied, “that’s right.”[60]
These comments by Chief Curry are consistent with his immediate impression of the shooting, when he radioed the police dispatcher from the official lead car in the motorcade, behind the advance and pilot cars but directly ahead of the presidential limousine. “Go to hospital, go to Parkland Hospital. Have them stand by. Get men on top of that railroad underpass and see what happened up there. Go up to the overpass.”[61]
A few additional anomalies make clear that the official narrative about Oswald as the lone assassin was false:
Johnson knew who Kennedy’s enemies were in the CIA and military intelligence and that’s who he likely used to murder JFK.
Starting in the early 1950s, Johnson had been one of a handful of senators/congressmen giving congressional oversight over the newly created CIA and became known as the CIA’s go to guy in Congress for enormous amounts of funding.[65]
Awarded a fraudulent Silver Star by General Douglas McArthur during World War II, Johnson was also a hawk who wanted to bomb Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis; triggered a false flag attack on the U.S.S. Liberty that was designed to provoke a U.S. war with Egypt and the Soviet Union, and sanctioned the dropping of nuclear weapons over Vietnam.[66]
Kennedy by contrast had favored more covert forms of military intervention and gave a beautiful speech in June 1963 at American University calling for peaceful relations with the Soviet Union.[67]
Many in the CIA were bitter about Kennedy’s failure to provide adequate air support during the Bay of Pigs invasion and Kennedy’s growing support for détente with the Soviet Union, along with his claim that he “wanted to splinter the CIA in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds.”[68]
A key coordinator of the assassination may have been Edward Lansdale, the CIA’s expert on coups and assassinations whom L. Fletcher Prouty, Chief of Special Operations for the Joint Chiefs of Staff under President John F. Kennedy and Victor H. Krulak, a decorated Marine Corps officer, as well as Lansdale’s second wife, Patrocinio Yapcinco Lansdale, identified as being at Dealey Plaza at the time JFK was killed.
A prototype for Alden Pyle in Graham Greene’s famous novel The Quiet American, Lansdale was known for adopting gruesome tactics as a counterinsurgency expert in the Philippines and Vietnam, including hanging the dead bodies of captured guerrillas on hooks for intimidation.[69]
Lansdale talked in letters about visiting Denton, Texas just outside of Dallas at the time of the Kennedy assassination, and his partner, Lucien Conein was also spotted at Dealey Plaza.
Lansdale had been upset by the murder of his friend Ngo Dinh Diem and his brother Ngo Dinh Nhu, South Vietnam’s client rulers after a coup plotted by the Kennedys, and had recently been forced to retire.
A mere 11 days after the JFK assassination, Lansdale had a job in the “Food For Peace” program in the Old Executive Office Building, which is part of the White House complex and he was subsequently reappointed by LBJ as the top counter-insurgency guru in Vietnam.
Historian Robert Morrow believes that these latter appointments were a payoff for Lansdale’s involvement in the JFK assassination.[70]
Lansdale would have coordinated the shooters from the grassy knoll; dark-skinned Cubans, anti-Castro elements who hated Kennedy and had run black operations out of the CIA’s JM-Wave station on the campus of the University of Miami.[71]
Johnson’s connection to the CIA may have come through Brown & Root, the building contractor and major Vietnam War profiteer that functioned as Johnson’s sugar daddy. Brown & Root’s corporate foundation contributed to the CIA’s Radio Free Europe and other CIA conduits, including American Friends of the Middle East (where Brown & Root did brisk business). Historian Joan Mellen wrote that Brown & Root was “filled with CIA assets.”[72]
CIA Agent David Atlee Phillips, who confessed to members of his family that he was in Dallas at the time of the assassination, was from Fort Worth Texas. He was a close associate of Texas insider Gordon McLendon, a radio broadcaster and Democratic Party political candidate who was friendly with Jack Ruby, Clint Murchison and Bobby Baker, and formed the Association of Former Intelligence Officers (AFIO) with Phillips in 1975.[73]
In a deathbed confession to his son, E. Howard Hunt specified that Philips was a key organizer at Dealey Plaza and worked with the various assassination teams which may have been unknown to each other. Winston Scott, the former CIA Station Chief in Mexico City said that not only did Phillips—the best covert agent he said he ever knew—organize events in Dealey Plaza but that he also helped prepare Oswald as the patsy and set up an elaborate Mexico City spin in which Oswald putatively banged on the desks of the Cuban consulate and Soviet embassies making a clear impression that he was an unstable communist sympathizer trying to get out of the U.S.[74]
The owner of the Texas School Book Depository, D.H. Byrd, was very close with Johnson and a founder of the Civil Air Patrol, which Oswald had been in.
A wealthy oilman who co-founded Temco aircraft which became part of the defense contractor Ling-Temco-Vought (LTV), whose stock skyrocketed as a result of the Vietnam war, played a key part in the plot by ensuring that Oswald got a job working at the Texas School Book Depository.
James Ling, Byrd’s partner who was also close with LBJ and kept a bust of him in his office, purchased 132,000 shares of LTV stock with Byrd prior to the assassination despite impending defense spending cuts, a move that implies foreknowledge of the JFK assassination.
Another key Texas connection emerges with the revelation that Earle Cabell, the mayor of Dallas at the time of JFK’s murder, was a contract agent of the CIA whose brother Charles had been Deputy CIA Director fired by JFK over the Bay of Pigs debacle.[75]
New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison saw Mayor Cabell’s involvement in the last-minute change in the parade route as “highly suspicious,” believing that it raised “serious questions.”
As the man responsible for citywide security, the mayor Cabell provided the police protection for the presidential motorcade. Cabell made sure it was so loose down there on the day of the hit.[76]
According to author Phillip Nelson, Cabell was at the center of a Dallas crowd that was directly tied into LBJ’s circle for many years before the assassination.[77]
Shortly after the assassination, Cabell went to a party at his brother’s home in Washington, D.C., accompanied by Dallas Police Officer Jack Revill, who reported that there were military officers there “celebrating Kennedy’s death with toasts.”[78]
Barr McCllelan, a top oil and gas lawyer who worked for the Austin, Texas, law firm of Clark, Thomas & Winters which represented Lyndon Johnson, writes in his book, Blood, Money and Power: How LBJ Killed JFK (Skyhorse Press, 2011) that senior partner, Ed Clark, who had also represented Brown & Root, engineered the assassination.
McClellelan said that Don Thomas, LBJ’s closest friend and a senior partner at the firm along with another partner, John Coates, told him that “[Ed]Clark handled all of that in Dallas.”[79]
A Captain in the army during World War II born to a prominent Texas pioneer family, Clark was a virulent racist characterized by Reader’s Digest as the “secret political boss of Texas.”
Clark’s obituary in the Austin-American Statesman in 1992 referred to him as “one of the most influential Texans of his time.” As a reward for plotting Kennedy’s assassination, he got lucrative oil leases and was appointed by Johnson as U.S. ambassador to Australia where he served from 1965 to 1968.[80]
McClellan said that Clark would put an oil lease on his desk at the law firm and ask him to take care of the paperwork; telling him that the lease was a “reward for Dallas [ie. orchestrating the JFK assassination.”][81]
After Kennedy’s assassination, Oswald was accused of killing police officer J.D. Tippit near his house, although this was impossible because the Warren Commission said that Oswald was at his boarding house at 1:03 p.m. and was immediately then seen waiting for a bus, nine-tenths of a mile away from where Tippit was killed between 1:06 and 1:07 p.m., according to witness Helen Markham. Oswald could not possibly have traveled that distance in four minutes.[82]
The shell casings from the crime scene also did not match Oswald’s rifle and a witness, Acquilla Clemons, stated that two men killed Tippit, neither of whom matched Oswald’s description.[83]
Dallas police announced Oswald as the lead suspect only 14 minutes after JFK was killed, listing him as being 5’10” tall and weighing 165 pounds—which was his height and weight in government documents created before the assassination based on the description of Marguerite Oswald, Lee’s mother, in May 1960. (Oswald was actually 5’9” tall and weighed 135 pounds.)
When Oswald was apprehended by police at the nearby Texas theater—where it has been speculated that he was there to meet an intelligence contact—three separate wallets of his were found, indicating that he had been set up.
In another sign of an intelligence operation, Oswald impersonators were seen around Dallas, including at the Sports Dome rifle range on the eve of the assassination (an Oswald impersonator also operated in Mexico City).[84] More wallets of Oswald were found at different strategic places, including the Tipppit murder scene, indicating that it was likely planted there.[85]
Oswald was a 24-year-old former Marine with family mob ties (his uncle who helped raise him was a Carlos Marcello lieutenant) and a background in U.S. intelligence. He had just come back from the Soviet Union and infiltrated the left-wing Fair Play for Cuba Committee as part of his intelligence cover.[86]
To give Oswald a false public identity, Oswald befriended an anti-Castro Cuban named Carlos Bringuier, who interfered with his leafleting and staged a fight that was designed to get Oswald arrested and have his name appear in the papers. The pro-Castro base would in turn see Oswald as a supporter of Castro and he was now identifiable as pro-communist in the public mind.[87]
Texas Attorney General Waggoner Carr and Dallas District Attorney Henry Wade claimed to have learned from reliable sources that Oswald was an FBI informant from 1962 until the assassination, and that he was paid $200 per month.[88]
Senator Richard Schweiker (R-PA) said during the Church Committee deliberations that “everywhere you look, with him [Oswald] there are the fingerprints of intelligence.”[89]
Growing up in a fatherless household in New Orleans with a loveless mother and absent brother, Oswald had become fascinated with the TV series I Led 3 Lives, which was loosely based on the life of Herbert Philbrick, a Boston advertising executive who infiltrated the U.S. Communist Party on behalf of the FBI.[90]
In 1956, Oswald was tapped by David Ferrie—a CIA asset involved in anti-Castro operations who flew drugs and guns out of Central America and worked in Ruby’s Carousel Club—to join the Civil Air Patrol.[91]
Then in 1957, living out his boyhood fantasy, Oswald was trained for future spy missions into the Soviet Union by the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) under the direction of the CIA as a young enlistee in the Marine Corps.[92]
Fluent in Russian, Oswald subsequently worked at the Atsugi Naval Base in Japan, the largest CIA installation in the world, which was used as a launching base for the U-2 reconnaissance flights over the Soviet Union.
At Atsugi, Oswald possessed a Minox camera, not yet available to the general public in 1963, but used by spies.[93] He also did special work for the CIA in the Philippines—apparently in connection with the CIA intervention in Indonesia—and in Taiwan, according to his mother.[94]
Oswald’s roommate in the Marine Corps, James Botelho, who became a California judge, said that Oswald was not a communist or Marxist[95]—that was a cover—but was anti-Soviet and was on assignment in Russia for American intelligence.
James Wilcott, a former CIA finance officer, testified before the House Select Committee on Assassinations in 1978 that he had handled the funding for a CIA project in which Oswald had been recruited as a CIA spy and that Oswald served the CIA as a double agent in the Soviet Union.[96]
Jefferson Morley’s research uncovered that Oswald was involved in at least four CIA covert operations in Mexico, some just weeks before JFK was killed.[97] One involved transporting a bioweapon prepared by a CIA-funded doctor, Alton Ochsner, for use in an attempt to assassinate Fidel Castro (the weapon was designed to give Castro a fast-acting lung cancer).[98]
Back in Dallas, Oswald became part of a group of White Russian exiles with whom he could converse in Russian.
Oswald’s CIA handler, George de Mohrenschildt, was a geologist and leader in Dallas’s White Russian community who was a member of the Dallas Petroleum Club and World Affairs Council and had worked for the CIA in Yugoslavia, Venezuela, Guatemala and Haiti.
A friend of George H.W. Bush, he helped Oswald get employment at a graphic arts company that had contacts with the U.S. Army Map Service and allowed Oswald to do top secret work for the U.S. Army, including processing reconnaissance photos of Cuba.[99]
De Mohrenschildt, who was asked to check on Oswald by the Dallas CIA, wrote a letter to Lyndon Johnson in April 1963 asking to meet with him. In the summer of 1963, Oswald worked in New Orleans for the Reily Coffee Company, which was located at the center of the intelligence community in New Orleans and was owned by William B. Reily, a supporter of the CIA-sponsored Cuban Revolutionary Council.[100]
The job was a cover; coinciding with the time of his work, Oswald was photographed in scenes of training films that were made at training camps in St. Tammany Parish, north of Lake Pontchartrain where anti-Castro Cubans were being trained by the CIA along with American mercenary fighters such as Gerald Patrick “Gerry” Hemming.[101]
The Reily Coffee Company, significantly, was located next to the offices of William Guy Banister, whose private detective agency functioned as a front for CIA covert domestic operations. When Banister’s secretary, Delphine Roberts, inquired about Oswald handing out pro-Castro literature, Banister replied: “Don’t worry about him…He’s with us. He’s associated with this office.” The purpose of the leafleting, besides helping to create Oswald’s legend, was to identify pro-Castro elements in New Orleans who were placed on a blacklist of Communist sympathizers that Banister was developing.[102]
The cover-up team understood the importance of controlling the first few hours after the crime.
Johnson and aide Cliff Carter maintained tight control over the Dallas and Texas state investigations and ensured that the Dallas police turned over all their evidence to the FBI even though they had jurisdiction over the case.
Carter, who controlled the city of Dallas with the Texas Mafia, had direct talks with Waggoner Carr, the Texas Attorney General, to short-circuit the state investigations.
At Parkland Hospital, where Kennedy was rushed after the shooting and was then pronounced dead, a team of Secret Service agents headed by Roy Kellerman announced they were under orders (obviously from Johnson) to prevent an autopsy. They threatened the Dallas County Medical Examiner, Dr. Earl Rose, with a gun, and forced their way out of Parkland with JFK’s body, heading to Dallas Love Field from where JFK’s body was brought back to Washington.
Johnson ordered the removal of the seats from Air Force One, anticipating that Kellerman’s team would soon be arriving with the body.[103]
After arriving at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland, Johnson delivered Kennedy’s body to the military establishment, which performed a secret and fraudulent autopsy at Bethesda Naval Hospital that altered the President’s head to show the shots coming from the rear when at least one came from the front.[104]
A secret pre-autopsy craniotomy was performed by Navy doctor James J. Humes, with the assistance of Dr. J. Thornton Boswell, who surgically removed evidence of a bullet’s entry from very high up in the right forehead above the right eye and significant portions of brain tissue from the forebrain, to eliminate any evidence of a bullet track which would prove there was a shot from the front, and at least ten bullet fragments.[105]
Two separate brain examinations were carried out, one involving a brain that was not Kennedy’s.
Afterwards, Kennedy’s brain disappeared, likely in order to coverup the fact that Kennedy had been hit twice in the front of the head from shots from the grassy knoll and with at least four bullets [when only three were fired from the Texas School Book Depository].[106]
During Jim Garrison’s criminal prosecution of Clay Shaw, Army Colonel Pierre Finck, one of the three doctors who performed the autopsy (with Humes and Boswell), admitted that someone in a position of higher authority—presumably again Johnson—had ordered him not to touch Kennedy’s neck wound.[107]
Another key step in the cover-up was to get the Court of Inquiry started under the direction of a Johnson supporter, Leon Jaworski, the law dean of Southern Methodist University (SMU) and board member of a CIA front company, the M.D. Anderson Foundation, who would suppress any evidence that pointed to Johnson.[108]
Johnson himself took one further step: He ordered that the presidential limousine be flown to Cincinnati to be cleaned and completely refurbished.
Additional important evidence from the crime scene was destroyed; Clark took care of this.[109]
Right after the assassination, Dallas District Attorney Henry Wade announced that anyone involved in “the conspiracy” deserved the electric chair. Wade received a call soon after from Clifton Carter in the White House and was told there should be no mention of a conspiracy. Wade afterwards shut up.[110]
The FBI eagerly participated in the cover-up because FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, LBJ’s Washington neighbor and close friend, hated the Kennedys and was not about to help Bobby find his brother’s killers.[111] Privately, Hoover believed in a conspiracy, telling Billy Byars, a Humble Oil Executive in 1964: “If I told you what I really know, it would be very dangerous to the country. Our whole political system could be disrupted.”[112]
The Warren Commission was set up by Johnson to ratify the FBI’s investigation which advanced the lone assassin narrative. Its release was perfectly timed for before the 1964 election in which Johnson defeated Barry Goldwater.
John McCloy was a close friend of Lyndon Johnson’s legal fixer Abe Fortas who helped LBJ pick the Warren Commisson. Johnson made sure there were solid conservatives on the Commission including his key mentor, Senator Richard Russell of Georgia.
Hale Boggs (D-LA) was appointed because he and his wife Lindy were close with Sam Rayburn, one of LBJ’s top supporters and Lindy was very close with Lady Bird, and Johnson thought he could manipulate Boggs because of their friendship. Leon Jaworski was named to work with the commission’s agents as the representative from the State of Texas.
Former CIA Director Allen Dulles was also appointed to the Commission, to cover up the CIA’s role. He said that most U.S. assassinations are the work of lone assassins with mental disorders, handing out the book “The Assassins” by Robert J. Donovan to underscore that point.
When the Warren Commission had a critical executive session on January 22, 1964 on whether Lee Harvey Oswald was a paid FBI informant or not, Dulles asked that the transcript of this meeting be destroyed.
Two other members of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) who served as cover up artists were John J. McCloy, chairman of the CFR from 1953-1970 who was close to the Kennedy-hating Texas business elite, and future President Gerald Ford, whom Newsweek called the “CIA’s best friend in Congress.”[113]
In 1997, The New York Times reported that recently declassified documents revealed that Ford was instrumental in having the Warren Commission’s description of the bullet wound in Kennedy’s back changed to say the wound was not in his back but was at “the base of the back of his neck”—which would better fit the scenario of Oswald as the lone assassin.[114]
Failing to interview key witnesses like Secret Service Agent David Landis, who found a bullet in Kennedy’s limo, the Warren Commission at the same time spent days questioning unimportant witnesses over unimportant details, amassing thousands of pages of irrelevant documents to give it a fake professional veneer. [115]
Determining that Oswald was a “killer without motive,” it did not even look at the autopsy, x-rays and photographs of JFK’s body, choosing instead to put this and other important evidence into a box under seal which it ordered not to be released until 2039.[116]
A Warren Commission staff member, David Belin, appears to have altered the testimony of one witness, Victoria Adams, who worked in the Texas School Book Depository, to make it more plausible that Oswald could have been the shooter.[117]
Another staff member, Wesley James Liebeler, told a Cuban he was tasked with interviewing that, “if we do find that this is a conspiracy, you know that we are under orders from Chief Justice Warren to cover this thing up.”[118]
Howard Willens wrote a note following his first meeting with the Warren Commission which said: “What the Commission was up to from the first [was] the search for means of foisting off a preconceived conclusion, the deliberate hiding of what happened when JFK was killed.”[119]
Even though he was a key witness, the Warren Commission never interviewed Lyndon Johnson who gave a short type-written statement through his lawyers. Earl Warren at the same time encouraged Jack Ruby not to talk about what he knew.[120]
In 1993, former Warren Commission Assistant Counsel Burt W. Griffin admitted that he and other Warren Commission staff members did not believe that the Dallas police, the FBI, the Secret Service, or the CIA did a thorough job in investigating Kennedy’s assassination.[121]
Gerald Ford told French president Valery Giscard d’Estaing (1974-1981) privately that the JFK assassination was a conspiracy, stating “we arrived at an initial conclusion: it was not the work of one person, it was something set up. We were sure it was set up.”
Senator Richard Russell (D-GA) told a young Georgia political prodigy Ellis Fielding Baxter (1948-2022) in 1968 or 1969 that the Warren Report was “Bullshit… and I didn’t want to do it.” Senator Russell firmly believed in a conspiracy in the JFK assassination and not surprisingly was not a believer in the Magic Bullet Theory.[122]
Hale Boggs (D-LA) also believed in a conspiracy in the JFK assassination and regretted signing the Warren Report. One of his former aides said, “Hale always returned to one thing: Hoover lied his eyes out to the Commission—on Oswald, on Ruby, on their friends, the bullets, the gun, you name it.”
Author Joan Mellen interviewed Phyllis Garrison, the second wife of Jim Garrison, who told Mellen it was Hale Boggs who in the fall of 1966 was telling Jim Garrison how corrupted the Warren Report was.[123]
Senator John Sherman Cooper (R-KY) came to the belief while he was a member of the Warren Commission that “Lyndon Baines Johnson was involved in the planning and execution of Kennedy’s death.”
Cooper told his aide Morris Wolff “the forensics clearly show there were at least two separate shooters, and they were standing in different places, one from the grassy knoll and one high in the office building.” Johnson, the new president, wanted to “cover everything up and move on” while he wanted to “delay and get all the facts.” The Warren Commission “want[ed] to bury the truth under a pile of stones.”[124]
Ironically, even Earl Warren believed that there was a conspiracy behind the JFK assassination. In a September 2017 talk at the Virginia Military Institute, author William Davy said, “Earl Warren had attended a judicial conference in the state of Florida… he confided to [journalist Richard] Raznikov’s source, a federal judge and friend of Warren’s], that he, Warren, was ashamed of himself and of what the Commission had done and that the whole thing had been a whitewash, and he had been coerced into it by President Lyndon Johnson.”[125]
The mainstream media helped facilitate the coverup by promoting the lone-nut hypothesis consistently and shutting out any hint of a conspiracy. The FBI altered the content of some stories that indicated Kennedy was shot from the front.
When Jim Garrison started raising questions about the latter and prosecuted Clay Shaw, CBS characteristically countered Garrison’s claims of a conspiracy by putting out a four–part series in defense of the lone–nut hypothesis.[126]
In January 1967, the CIA sent a memo (marked “SECRET,” “RESTRICTED,” and “DESTROY WHEN NO LONGER NEEDED”) to its army of media “assets” secretly embedded in virtually every area of U.S. communications.
This army of covert operatives (exposed as “Operation Mockingbird” in a historic 1977 Rolling Stone article by Carl Bernstein) extended all the way up to world famous columnists, bureau chiefs, managing editors, newspaper publishers and CEOs of major radio and television broadcasting networks.
Entitled “Countering Criticism of the Warren Report,” the CIA’s memo provided guidance for countering “conspiracy theorists” who challenged the Warren Report’s false conclusion that Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone assassin of John F. Kennedy.
It recommended the strategy of smearing critics of the Warren Report by describing them as being financially motivated; or having “anti-American, far-left or communist sympathies,” or being hasty, inaccurate or ego-driven in their research.
Lyndon Johnson used his own connections over the media to fortify the CIA’s psychological warfare operations. John Kennedy once said that Lyndon Johnson “knows every reporter in Washington.” He was also personal friends with owners and top executives of the TV networks and major newspapers and magazines.
For example, LBJ was close personal friends with Katharine Graham of the Washington Post. His man at the New York Times was a former reporter with the Austin Statesman, William White. LBJ had also been friends with CBS‘ William Paley since the 1940s when the Johnson family’s radio station KLBJ affiliated with CBS.
When he was President, the president of CBS News Frank N. Stanton would commute to Washington, D.C. where he served as a TV image consultant for LBJ. One of LBJ’s top fundraisers was Ed Weisl who was the counsel for the Hearst Corporation media empire.
LBJ knew Clare Boothe Luce whose husband Henry Luce owned Life Magazine and Time Magazine. Lyndon Johnson was friends with the publishers of almost all of the top Texas newspapers; and LBJ had many more highest level media friendships and contacts.[127] These all paid dividends in helping him to ensure that there would be no media scrutiny into his involvement in the Kennedy assassination.
One of the key passages in the 1967 CIA memo titled “Countering Criticism of the Warren Report” reads: “There seems to be an increasing tendency to hint that President Johnson himself, as the one person who might be said to have benefited, was in some way responsible for the assassination.”
Two days later, Johnson told his chief of staff Marvin Watson, who quickly told Johnson’s closest FBI contact Deke DeLoach, that he (LBJ) was now convinced the CIA had something to do with a plot in the JFK assassination. The shift to blaming the CIA was clearly designed to deflect growing public attention away from his own guilt.[128]
By committing the ultimate crime, Johnson was able to fulfill his life-long dream of becoming president while avoiding going to prison.
However, Johnson’s presidency was not a happy one, either for himself or the country. Johnson’s lying and deceitful ways resulted in the escalation of the Vietnam War and its millions of deaths.
Johnson also a) illegally invaded the Dominican Republic; b) supported a coup in Indonesia that resulted in the deaths of anywhere from one to three million people; c) sponsored a dirty war in the Congo; d) backed the assassination of Che Guevara in Bolivia; and e) orchestrated a covert attack on a U.S. spy ship, the USS Liberty, in a false-flag incident designed to trigger a war against Egyptian leader Gamal Abdel Nasser.
When U.S. GIs lay dying in Vietnam, they did not curse the enemy, but rather Johnson, who had sent them to die in a foreign land on fraudulent pretexts. A popular slogan at anti-war protests was “Hey, hey, LBJ, how many kids did you kill today.”
For all his flaws, John F. Kennedy had displayed positive leadership qualities in responding to the Cuban Missile Crisis by promoting a new détente with the Soviet Union and pressing for nuclear test ban and arms control treaties.
Johnson, by contrast, brought with him to Washington the violent values of the Texas frontier.
After Johnson’s presidency ended, following his decision not to seek re-election in 1968, he retired to his ranch. He grew his hair long like the hippies he had once denigrated; he was by then a profoundly depressed and haunted man who sought absolution from a psychiatrist.
Barr McClellan envisions a scenario in which Johnson was visited on his deathbed by an old associate, Don Thomas, Edward Clark’s law partner, and referred to Clark in their conversation as a “son of a bitch.” Johnson then says: “Just think. At one time, he was ready to ride ‘ol Sparky’ for me,” referring to the electric chair at the state prison.[129] Which about says it all.
Jeremy Kuzmarov is Managing Editor of CovertAction Magazine. He is the author of five books on U.S. foreign policy, including Obama’s Unending Wars (Clarity Press, 2019), The Russians Are Coming, Again, with John Marciano (Monthly Review Press, 2018), and Warmonger. How Clinton’s Malign Foreign Policy Launched the U.S. Trajectory From Bush II to Biden (Clarity Press, 2023).
The author wishes to thank Robert Morrow for his keen insights on this topic. Robert Morrow is a presidential historian, JFK assassination expert and the co-author (with Roger Stone) of The Clintons’ War on Women: Stone, Roger, Morrow, Robert: 9781510706781: Amazon.com: Books.