‘Well, let me begin by saying that its resurrection would suggest that Europe at some time or another has been dead, but whilst she has undoubtedly been in a critical condition at times throughout the centuries, I would hesitate to say that she has ever been ‘dead’.
Europe is a vast Continent made up of many independent nations, rich in natural resources, steeped in history, birthplace of many diverse cultures and languages with an uncanny aptitude for making war on one another. Over the centuries, Europe’s history is littered with wars breaking out between its indigenous populations, often changing sides, where once a neighbour was a friend, he became an adversary and vice versa. Tracing back over the last millennium, many alliances were formed by marriages of convenience, as the crowned heads of nation states inter married for the sole purpose of guaranteeing, in the short term at least, allegiances between potentially competing neighbours which had the effect of guaranteeing a peace, or rather, avoiding a war! This was happening even back in the days of The Crusades, where marriages were taking place between the families of rulers in Eastern Europe and the West, although for the sake of modern, educational propaganda, this is a reality conveniently overlooked, or it certainly was the case during my school days. Positive East/West relations could never be condoned, of course.
Moving forward several centuries to the very height of European power, to the days of Empire, it is a well-known fact that the crowned heads of those major powers, Queen Victoria of Great Britain, Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany and Czar Nikolas of Russia were indeed cousins. Europe, at this time, was undoubtedly the world’s engine room. The epicentre of global power, politics and culture. Times, however, were about to change, as across the vast waters of the Atlantic Ocean, a ‘new kid on the block’ was beginning to flex his muscles, with no respect for history, tradition or the current world order. ‘Money’ did all of this new kid’s bidding, and money, lots of it, trumped respect, and/or tradition. Money could make things happen, and for the United States, money enabled you to manipulate. Money enabled you to manipulate not only individuals, but whole nations, and in fact, the global order. The rise of the United States of America was to become the virus that caused Europe her most terrible ills, and now, today, that virus threatens the very existence of Europe, her people, and her soul. Resurrection? It is time for a lifesaving operation, that is for certain. Only a permanent solution which will eliminate this virus, can give Europe any hope of realising the true potential she has to offer. A Europe, in harmony, is not a pipe dream, it is a real possibility, but only if we, as Europeans, are prepared to accept the need for reality over political agendas.
As a young man, the idea of, ‘Europe a Nation’, had appealed to me. Today, however, the EU’s attempts at Federalising Europe has been an unmitigated disaster, and was nothing how I, as a young man interested in Politics, had envisaged it. The EU is made up of an ineffectual Parliament, run by self-appointed individuals whose main ambition it would seem is to remain in a well-paid job for life, without making any significant contribution to ensuring better standards of living for any of the people who dwell within this vast overweight, overly paper laden free for all that is the EU. It is a gravy train extraordinaire. A home for political lightweights, ‘chancers’, under the control of completely ineffectual and incompetent bureaucrats. One only must look at the leadership of the EU if there was any need to clarify that particular statement. The Washington anointed Ursula von der Leyen, who holds that position, says it all. That apart, the EU has quite simply lost its way, it does not represent, nor reflect the hopes and aspirations of the people of Europe it purports to represent. The current situation in Ukraine has shown the EU to be well down the pecking order in terms of being an effective voice, and still basically a tool of the Washington elites as they foist interventionist policies upon a weak leadership which trickles down to member states which are no better than puppets under the control of the puppet masters sitting atop Capitol Hill.
This leads onto what is, and has been, perhaps the most telling threat to Europe for the past several decades, and that is US interventionism. The current US unipolar global order aggressively promotes an ongoing policy of interventionism in the politics of foreign governments. This interventionist strategy is more than a foreign policy, it is an everyday tool of successive US governments utilised to maintain a unipolar world order which benefits only themselves at the expense of all else. Whether it be simply America Incorporated, unscrupulous investors in the Washington loop, or the great and good of the Defense industry who are regular beneficiaries of the great American war machine, irrespective of their denomination, mule or donkey, Washington keeps the wheels of economic self-aggrandisement turning. It is the raison d’être of the American intelligence services both at home and abroad. A go to strategy of successive U.S. governments is to ensure that regional destabilisation is maintained globally as a matter of policy. This is often achieved by the financing, through NGOs, of anti-government groups, and the arming of insurgents, who are often enemies of the U.S. This tactic, often employed under the guise of a state’s right to democracy, often provides Washington with the excuse needed to enable either direct intervention, or intervention via proxy utilising their Foreign Policy stalking horse, NATO, just as we are witnessing today in Ukraine, through the provision of military force, and/or the imposing of financial sanctions designed to harm the economy of the offending country. These sanctions are of course illegal in the eyes of international law, but this is a complete irrelevance to the U.S. in their crusade to promote democracy on their terms, wherever it suits them.
There is no need to remind us that the US, through its ‘running’ of NATO and the UN, often has many options open to it when wishing to ‘remind’ vassal states throughout the world, who is in charge. Opposing US policy can prove to have devastating results for those countries who do not bend to Washington’s will. We need to remind ourselves that such actions do not just apply to smaller, third world countries with emerging economies. This fact is sadly illustrated as events today unfold in Ukraine. That is, through its foreign policy enforcer, NATO, which has about every major country in Europe dancing to its tune, it would appear that in terms of US style democracy, the wishes of the people do not count, and if the US don’t get you, NATO surely will. Remember Bosnia?
Let us take the situation in Ukraine as Europe’s living example of US interventionism today on our very own doorstep. Here is where the idea of reality over political agenda underlines the necessity to rid Europe of US influence. In its simplest form, the US is using Ukraine as a springboard from which to launch hostilities against Russia, whom we already know, wish to overthrow the current government in Moscow in order to install their own puppet, break up Russia into smaller republics, and capture the rich natural resources for which Russia is renowned. That is it in a nutshell. This is a tactic which has been employed before by Washington to the detriment of all but themselves, in Libya, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Bosnia, Ukraine, and numerous other locations across the globe. Taiwan as we are all aware is currently sitting precariously on the horizon being cajoled by Washington into believing that military action against China will be a good thing! What kind of logic is this.
Even putting to one side the copious other criminal acts being perpetrated by the US government in Ukraine over the past years, the MO is replicated. This has to stop, and if Europe is to have any chance of revival, it has to end, right here, right now.
Russia is not the enemy of Europe. Russia is, and always has been an integral part of Europe, historically, economically, culturally, and of course, geographically. The current ‘battle’ for the minds of the world is in full swing – yes, we are already in the midst of World War Three. I have written before on numerous occasions about the absolute necessity of Russia not only completing the objectives of the SMO, but of returning the Ukraine (translation Borderland) into the fold that is now the Russian Federation. This, I believe will be the first chip at US interventionism in Europe. We have seen that in even the mainstream media, reports are beginning to appear of the anti-NATO demonstrations throughout Europe. Ever so slowly, the walled spectre of US imperialism is beginning to crumble in front of our very eyes. Russia, through her promotion of the alternative path to continued American hegemony, that is a world built on cooperation and respect for nationhood, a new way forward is on offer. This alternative to American domination must be endorsed by all European countries, and that is going to be the task if we are to ensure not just the resurrection of Europe, but its very survival. There is absolutely no reason why this cannot be an acceptable solution as a cure all for Europe ills, which are currently most grave.
What is the future for Europe as it currently stands? Economic devastation. Death and destruction and more of the same. I do not believe that the same problems would exist in Europe if the yoke of US imperialism were to be lifted from us. In Europe, we have the ability to overcome any of the problems we are currently experiencing. The anti-Russian lobby has been a tool of successive Washington governments, but there is no reason in reality for this cancel culture to exist. For far too long we have listened to countries spouting anti-Russian propaganda, mainly due to baseless concerns over a possible Russian invasion There is absolutely nothing to back this up but propagandist scaremongering. It is all political shenanigans deep rooted in Washington’s psyche with the express intention of spreading fear and anti-Russian sentiment, which leads down the path towards US interventionism, both covert and otherwise, followed by a complete subjugation of the targeted government who will thence forth bend to the will of Washington and US Foreign Policy, with NATO an ever-present watchdog doing the bidding of its master.
It is true that we cannot, and indeed should not, endeavour to totally eliminate politics from the table during recovery, however, a realistic approach to the rebuilding of Europe will be necessary. A rebuilding of trust between states who had hitherto been set against each other. A rebuilding of the confidence in Europe and a belief in its ability to achieve the desired goals of mutual cooperation and respect for nationhood. A rebuilding of the confidence amongst all our neighbours with whom we share Europe. We must put aside personal political ambition for the good of our European community. We must strive to ensure that the three ‘C’s’ are not just a feel-good sound byte, but an everyday reality, ‘Cooperation, Cooperation, Cooperation’.
There is no need to form an unwieldy vehicle like that which we have today in Brussels. In a multipolar society, mutual respect and cooperation of sovereign nations will enable us, here in Europe, to rebuild bridges. History cannot and indeed should not be forgotten, but it needs to be put aside as all nations strive to achieve our European goals. How do we quit dependence on US money, which is the root to this addiction? Well, we must work together to establish and strengthen existing trade links within the continent of Europe and expanding those trade links globally. This is a policy which is being successfully implemented today by the BRICS members, and nearer to home, by Russia, more out of necessity, but most successfully, as a result of the illegal sanctions imposed by the Western allies. Why is this not attainable? In a similar vein, there is no suggestion of implementing sanctions against, or carrying out embargoes against the U.S., for example, as the US will of course be an important trading partner, not our master.
We must put to sleep forever, the idea that Slavs are the bad guys, the Anglo Saxons the Empire builders, and copious other name tags that have been hung on the nations of Europe throughout history. Of course, we are proud of our history in Europe. It is as rich and colourful as it is confrontational, but we are still here. We understand our history. Patently, the US does not, nor will they ever do. Such a non-understanding of history has been the basis from which many of our ills have developed.
We are proud of our nationhood, but there is no room for Nationalism. Patriotism, yes, but Nationalism, no. It is important that we understand the key difference between nationalism and patriotism. Nationalism is a belief in an exclusionary and insular nation-state, whilst patriotism is the non-exclusionary love of one’s own nation. The former has provided the catalyst for many wars across Europe and has been the bane of nations throughout our long and oft troubled history. It was Nationalism that caused our last Great War, and patriotism that delivered us from its evil. We should be proud to be Europeans, not embarrassed as indeed we are by the total failure that has been, and is, the EU. East and Western Europe should only be geographic terms and not terms which separate us. If Europe is to be saved, politics must be out to one side. We must eliminate the cancer that is US hegemony. We need to return to the very basics. Respect and cooperation, irrespective of race or nationhood. Nationhood will always exist. It is what makes us strong, but together, we are stronger, an immoveable force in economic, cultural and geographic terms. This is Europe, and together, our capabilities are endless’.
The Ukraine War is Over! Europe’s Top Professor Reveals What Happens Next!
Glenn Diesen joins the show today to discuss the Russia Ukraine War, how it ends. Where does Russia and Ukraine go from here? We then expand our conversation to discuss Trump and what his presidency means to the world. We discuss the rise of China, the great tech battle between the US and China and the future of our multipolar world.
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Disarmament in a Time of Chaos
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Hidden Truth Comes from Darkness to Light
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