10 mins read
Zelensky’s NATO Illusion
Why does he want to join the alliance if he believes Russia plans to attack it?
6 mins read
Of course, because our media is controlled by unseen globalist elites and their Washington puppets, the basic premise of Mr Vololdin’s comments will remain unheard, and given the gravity and potential dangers to every one of us his remarks outline for Europe, one has to question exactly what western governments think they are doing?
The European Parliament, in their great wisdom, have requested EU countries to lift the current restrictions on the use of long-range weapons which will enable the criminal government in Kiev to strike deep into Russia. This, in addition to the usual topping-up of the begging bowl.
Of course, it is not only the EU who are putting our very existence at stake, our very own ‘Barmy’ Starmer and his group of unknown nonentities, otherwise known as the UK government, are eager to let the High Clown bring Armageddon ever closer. Surprisingly, Biden did not support this request from Starmer, whom we are now told is acting as a full time male model, his clothes donated ‘free of charge’ , which for Washington could have been seen as unexpected, however, why get your hans dirty when others are quite willing to carry out the dirty work for you?
In his comments, Volodin reiterates the words of President Putin, as he tells us that should this happen, and Kiev does indeed use weapons with this capability, Russia will respond with even more powerful weapons, which we are now well aware are in their arsenal.
What was telling, however, that Volodin poses two questions which deserve answers from our western leaders. He asks if the European Parliament (but this would also apply to Westminster) if the voters were consulted about this most important matter, and quite rightly, do the citizens of Europe want war on their doorstep?
Volodin reiterated that such a move would precipitate a global war which would involve nuclear weapons, and on this point, I do not think that any right minded individual would disagree – except apparently the members of the EU gravy train, sorry, I meant Parliament.
The worrying factor in this whole drama, is the fact that because of the media bias towards the NATO (read Washington) position and ever increasing promotion of Russophobia, the vast majority of European citizens are totally unaware of the gravity of not only the current situation we find ourselves in, but the very real danger to our very existence a move like this is sure to bring upon us. We go about our daily tasks unaware of the path our leaders are looking to lead us down – without our consent – even without our knowledge.
Volodin recounts Russia’s devastating death toll of the last war in its fight against Nazism, and the reality that it was the Red Army who turned the tide of the conflict, and not, despite Hollywood telling us otherwise, the US. This is an uncomfortable reality that western history does not give any credence. Russia will not tolerate the existence of Nazism in the Ukraine. With its war mongering and the committing of terrorist acts against the Russian people whilst openly sporting Nazi regalia. All of this taking place under the guidance, and with the support of NATO and the western allies. In whose name does my government take these steps? Certainly not mine, nor that of the British people I would suggest.
The Duma speaker then suggests that following the statement of support for the Ukraine and its wishes to enact this policy of enabling long range strikes into Russia, that they should dissolve the European Parliament, which if Westminster was to be included in that proposal, I feel certain would meet with the approval of the majority of European citizens, given that their actions seem to be contrary to the views of the people.
Of course Mr Volodin is right, and indeed, the Russian people as a whole are right to be outraged at the actions of our leaders. I am mindful of the statement made by Sergei Lavrov that Russia has no problem with any country in Europe, only its leadership. Whilst that is heartening to know, such absurdly dangerous decisions being made by our leaders provides no comfort given that the Duma will be insistent upon swift and severe retribution should the wishes of the EU parliament be brought to bear on the Russian people. Let us not forget, however, that such action by Kiev can only be achievable with the assistance of US communication satellites which is a fact Old Grandpa Biden is only too aware. Biden might well believe his hands will be clean following his announcement against the provision of such weapons, but whilst his hands may remain clean, that will be the last vestige of him we witness as he sinks into a cauldron of blood
Government is there to protect the interests of the people it represents. This is patently not the cased with regard to the whole sordid affair that is the Ukraine. Only twice has the subject of Ukraine been raised in Westminster, most recently by the populist Nigel Farage, with absolutely no traction gained in order to discuss this country’s role. The troops we are committing; the money we are spending belongs to the people of this country, NOT for the purpose of political manoeuvring on behalf of another country whose only agenda is self enrichment. The people have been given no opportunity to speak on this matter. The main stream media, bought and paid for, have totally censored any argument contrary to the governments position. The whole situation is not only unreasonable, it is surely unlawful.
The bottom line on this whole issue is that the actions of our government, and that of the EU, are putting the lives of its citizens at risk without any attempt whatsoever to justify their actions. Any justification they might venture to offer is based upon lies and distortions of the truth, in full knowledge of the realities of how we have arrived at the point we have reached today, where escalation is a very real possibility, if not a probability.
Russia has left us in no doubt about the consequences of such actions as now being promoted by the European parliament and the UK, yet still, these individuals sit in their seats of power cheering on thew war mongers, seemingly oblivious of the consequences. In Westminster we have well over 600 sitting Members of Parliament, yet not one has stood up and brought this disturbing statement from Duma speaker Volodin into the public domain. If ever a condemnation of the corruption of our political system was ever needed, here it is. Let us close by reminding ourselves of an extremely relevant piece of information, unknown to the the vast majority of peace loving citizens of Europe, yet now a relative point given the designs of our political masters. Russia’s “Sarmat” missile has a flight time of 3 minutes and 20 seconds to reach Strasbourg! Be afraid. Be very afraid”.