Foreign Policy


5 mins read

Do the Gods Wish to Destroy America… or Might Sanity yet be Recovered?

By Edward Lozansky Looking at today’s America, one would be hard pressed to say that the gods were not interested in destroying this great country. For who can argue that this once proud and noble nation has not fallen into […]


7 mins read

The Fall of Plahotniuc and a New Hope for Moldova

By Matthew Ehret In June 2019, the small landlocked nation of Moldova found itself in a life or death struggle between two opposing futures: Oligarchs like the notorious Vladimir Plahotniuc had worked diligently for years to bring this nation into […]


7 mins read

Embracing the Equality of Nations

By Patrick Lawrence  The signs of America’s decline are ubiquitous now such that the phenomenon is no longer worthy of debate. China, Japan, South Korea; Italy, Spain, Germany, the Danes and Norwegians  — Asia and Europe all gain control of […]


6 mins read

Russia, China keep the ‘dragon in the fog’

By M.K. Bhadrakumar Former Indian diplomat Chinese President Xi Jinping said in a phone conversation today with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin that Beijing will “continue to work” with Moscow in “firmly supporting” each other’s efforts “rejecting external sabotage and […]


5 mins read

U.S. & UK intensify campaign against Russia; UK harks back to first pillar of new Cold War, the Magnitsky hoax (excerpt)

By Lucy Komisar The U.S. and UK are intensifying their Cold War against Russia. In Washington, calls for sanctions are based on the fake “bountygate,” and the UK has sanctioned selected Russians based on William Browder’s Magnitsky hoax. The “bountygate” […]


7 mins read

The West’s Quest to ‘Save the World Through Degeneracy’

By James George Jatras James George Jatras is a former State Department Service Officer, adviser to the Republican Policy Committee  in the U.S. Senate Analysts of world affairs tend to fall into certain traps concerning the motivations and behavior of political actors. We […]


3 mins read

Happy U.S. Independence Day Wishes from Russia

By Edward Lozansky For many open-minded Americans and Russians it has become a tradition to congratulate each other on their independence days, which are June 12 for Russia and July 4 for America. This year we decided to note some […]


6 mins read

From July 4, 1776 to June 12, 1990

June 12th for Russians is to some extent the equivalent of July 4th for Americans when the former colony of the British Empire has declared its independence.“Russia Day” commemorates the adoption in 1990 of the Declaration of State Sovereignty of the Russian Federation that eventually lead to the collapse of Soviet empire and Russia becoming one of the new 15 independent states.


6 mins read


By Paul Robinson
For many in the Western world, Russia is, and long has been, a significant ‘other’, comparison with which serves a useful purpose in the creation of self-identity. Beyond that, negative (and on occasion even positive) portrayals of Russia feed into domestic political struggles and help legitimize one side or other in whatever argument people are having.


9 mins read

NATO 2030: How to Make a Bad Idea Worse

Just when you thought the leaders of NATO could not push the limits of insanity any further, something like NATO 2030 is announced. After helping blow up the Middle East and North Africa, dividing the Balkans into zones of war and […]