Russia, China Holding Mirror Up To US, And It’s Not Pretty

I agree with Stephen Kinzer (“China gives us a taste of our own medicine,” Ideas, Jan. 9). No nation on earth ever had as many bases outside its country as the United States. Yet despite the fact that our nation is more than $28 trillion in debt, suffering from a horrific pandemic, and struggling with the ramifications of climate change and its catastrophic weather events, and our citizens are deeply divided, we continue to project our power globally as the self-appointed police officer of the world, and at a great cost.

We provoke China and Russia, among other nations, by installing missiles close to their borders (for example, in Ukraine), which merely stiffens our enemies’ resolve and points us toward World War III. With astonishing and blatant “moral hypocrisy” (a phrase Kinzer cites), we tell our enemies to do as we say but not as we do when we bristle at their victories (for example, in Syria and in forging ties over construction of natural gas pipelines) and the establishment of enemy bases on foreign soil. Then we wonder why so many nations around the world hate us.

It’s time for a reality check in the State Department. America will not stay on top forever. We need to develop less aggressive strategies to challenge our imagined and real enemies and work with our allies with an aim of diplomacy first and military options (if necessary) second. We need to focus on the real and growing problems at home and reduce our imperialism and hegemony abroad, because at the rate we are going, our empire will collapse from within. We are barking up the wrong tree.
