9 mins read
War Fever Grips Europe
As if two world wars born in Europe were not enough, an increasingly divided Europe is seeking unity through militarization and hyperbolic fear of Russia, writes Uroš Lipušcek.
3 mins read
RussiaGate 2.0 approaches, like the “Creature from the Black-or-Orange Lagoon,” and we’re all supposed to be scared shitless at the prospect. Once again (it’s a tired-ass re-run of an Old CIA Show), “Mad Vlad’s” penetrated all 18 United States intelligence agencies to somehow undermine our Almighty Elections, where never a naughty “vote” is cast.
So the scandal du jour involves a complex plot to “influence” some Right-wing media types (Tim Pool’s the only one I know by name; I don’t follow that echo chamber, but I’m aware that they exist) who allegedly were given millions of dollars (or rubles) by some Tennessee Tax Haven-based content-generating Company known as “Tenet Media.” Merrick Garland, America’s Attorney General at the moment who should be fired as immediately as possible (I think there’s a Fast Food joint down the street where he can be gainfully employed sweeping up stale fried food items that fell to the floor, if only because the cash register might be too complicated for Mr Garland), issued a statement, a kind of pre-indictment, alleging that two Russian individuals from the RT Network had impersonated an investor in this Tenet Media business contraption; and, furthermore, that several “right-wing influencer” podcaster-types received payments from—you guessed it—the Kremlin! Ta-da!
Just to paraphrase William Shakespeare: “Something’s fuckin’ rotten inside the DC Beltway—and that includes Brussels and London”—and Argentina, too, based on what I’m hearing. Merrick Garland, the US Attorney General, is a front-man for this crock of shit; CNN, MSNBC, and the rest of the Corporate Media assholes are running cover for this “weirdness,” which is coming straight out of MI6 and CIA headquarters, or the basements of those headquarters. There is absolutely no Russian, Chinese, Iranian, North Korean, nor Venezuelan plot to foil our Majestic Election in November. This fact of the matter is pretty easy to comprehend. The “Tenet Media” story has been floated out there to deceive the gullible about what’s going on, and Corporate Media, the Total Propaganda News Network, is trying to push this nonsense to the hilt. Nothing but a Used Car Lot sales job. Ka-mala’s the Kremlin’s pick, and Putin said it with a Cheshire Cat’s grin. The only “foreign entities” attempting to influence the current U$ Election are Israelis and Ukrainians (not to mention the always perfidious Brits), and you can take that thought to the bank. If Russia wanted Alaska back—They would have said so.