

2 mins read

Trump’s Empty Threats to Pressure Russia Falling on Deaf Ears

This will be short and simple — Donald Trump’s reported threat to expand sanctions on Russia if it does not halt attacks on Ukraine is empty and meaningless. As you will see in the following videos, I am currently in Moscow and participating in some public diplomacy seminars. What I have gleaned as a result of conversations with some well-informed Russian analysts is that the era of the United States being able to bully or coerce Russia is over. Donald Trump now confronts a Russia, with a government, an economy and a military, that does not need a single thing from the United States beyond mutual respect. The Russian people are prepared to live a comfortable, productive life without having to deal with the United States. That is a truth that Donald Trump needs to grasp.


5 mins read

Big Bang From Big Boom

If U.S. President Donald Trump were to join the leaders of Russia and China at the Kremlin on May 9, 2025, his name could be consigned to history as that of a “great peacemaker, both for America and for the whole world.”


38 mins read

Trump’s Global Strategy and The Question Of “Peace Through Strength”

“Peace throught strength”


8 mins read

Trump and the viable road to peace in Ukraine

‘I did not vote for him and have been critical of most of his moves. But in regard to the war…I believe he is on the right track’


11 mins read

ACURA ViewPoint: Benjamin S. Dunham: Ukraine: Why President Trump Is Leaving the Biden Policy Behind

In a moment of candor shortly after the Russian invasion, Ukraine’s President Zelensky told The Economist, “There are those in the West who don’t mind a long war because it would mean exhausting Russia, even if this meant the demise of Ukraine and comes at the cost of Ukrainian lives.” His government was then involved in peace negotiations with Russia, but under pressure from the West, those promising negotiations were abandoned. Since then, the ongoing war—tragically unfolding in lives lost and people displaced (but profits gained from arms sales!)—may be viewed as a fulfillment of Zelensky’s chilling prediction.


8 mins read

Trump and the viable road to peace in Ukraine

‘I did not vote for him and have been critical of most of his moves. But in regard to the war…I believe he is on the right track’


5 mins read

Trump Takes on the Blob in the Oval Office

The president did not just confront Zelensky, but the entire American foreign-policy establishment.


5 mins read

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: 10 bad takeaways from the Zelenskyy blow-up

Ukrainian leader boxed himself — and his country — in with petulent White House display


6 mins read

History Proves Donald Trump Could Dump Ukraine

The United States has used two very different methods for discarding foreign clients that no longer seem to serve Washington’s policy objectives. One is to arrange a genteel retirement or exile in the United States or another friendly country. The alternative method is to eliminate the no longer useful client with extreme prejudice (imprisonment or death). There have been multiple examples of both solutions over the decades.


3 mins read

Zelensky learned to respect the United States the hard way

Zelensky should’ve walked into that room with one phrase on his lips: “Thank you.”