5 mins read
The Doomsday Clock Will Move Forward
So why is the grave threat of nuclear war virtually absent from our politics?
4 mins read
I remember the 1990’s very well. We were handed a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to become genuine friends with a longtime adversary, and instead of grasping that opportunity, the Clinton administration wasted it and gave us the current FUBAR situation. Then, not content with wrecking Russian relations, they also set China on the path to world domination. We’re still paying for that one, too.
I think a lot of people don’t remember how worthless Clinton really was as president and how much irreparable damage he did, just because the economy wasn’t that bad while he was in office. Well, in spite of James Carville’s famous statement, it’s not all about the “economy stupid.”
I could have mentioned a lot of other things, too. He was directly responsible for the economic crash of 2008 because of his insistence that banks loan money to people with bad credit. He was also directly responsible for 9/11 because of his failure to do anything about Al-Qaida, even though they had already committed several serious attacks against us while he was in office.
And sadly, even that is only scratching the surface of his corruption and stupidity. I need not even mention all the lurid scandals that humiliated us on the world stage, everything from the cigar and the blue dress to stealing the White House china and renting out the Lincoln Bedroom.
There was peace until 2014. What went wrong?
In 2014, the West overthrew the elected government of Ukraine and replaced it with a rabidly Ukrainian Nationalist, Banderite, anti-Russian and anti-Russia puppet regime. They treated the large Russian minority living in UKraine as 2nd class citizens, discriminated against them, banned the Russian language and made clear that Russian people are not welcome in their new, racially ‘pure’ Ukraine. Bandera ( a Hitler supporter) was declared a national hero of this new, racist Ukraine.
The Russian minority refused to accept this coup and decided to defend their rights. Crimea, which as been Russian for over 200 years, voted in a referendum to join Russia. The eastern region, Donbas, resisted the Kiev regime and refused to submit. From 2014 to 2022, the NATO supported Ukraine military murdered over 8,000 Russians, including 1000 children.
The West and Ukraine signed the Minsk Agreements, which should have ended the problem and protected the rights of the Russian minority in Ukraine. The West ignored and broke those agreements, which they signed, but never intended to keep to. Finally, at the end of 2021, as Ukraine prepared to invade the Donbas and crush the Russian resistance,
President Putin acted and tried diplomacy, one more time.
Putin proposed that Ukraine should remain neutral and not join NATO, and that the human rights of the Russian minority be respected. The West ignored and would not even listen.
Putin had no options left, and launched the special military operation into Ukraine in February 2022. The rest is history. Peace is possible but Trump and his advisers need to accept reality. Ukraine is losing this war and losing badly. Ignore the Western media lies.
Ukraine must remain neutral and cannot be allowed to join NATO. The rights of the Russian minority in Ukraine must be respected. The democratic right of the Russian people as expressed in their referendums in Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson and Zaporozhye regions to rejoin Russia must be accepted. Crimea is Russian.
Those points are NOT negotiable.
There must be fresh elections in Ukraine and a new regime in Kiev.
All NATO forces must withdraw from Ukraine.
Do this and there will be peace now.
Or keep on fighting, and there will be peace later, after Russia destroys what is left of the Ukraine military and occupies all of Ukraine.
PS. Putin has no interest in rebuilding the Soviet Empire. There is NOTHING in Europe that Russia needs or wants. Only arrogant and deluded Europeans believe that Europe is worth the cost.
Hope and pray that Trump can get some good advice from those who have a clue what is going on. So far it does not look good. Threatening Russia will not work. Yet more sanctions will not work. Nothing NATO can do will work. Simple. Stop poking the Bear and make peace now, before it is too late