Ukraine is Much More than Ukraine. It is much more than the war between two East European countries.

The whole damn thing penetrated and perverted the western politics for the last eleven years, counting from 2014 Crimea.

Endless propaganda and obfuscation as far as the information about the war was concerned. Endless misrepresentation of what was going on. Endless brainwashing of the Western public. Degrading of public discourse, demonizing, simplification, projection. You name it. Cheesy cliches were on the march, and nothing could stop them.

But all that is just the tip of the iceberg. The entire political machine in the United States pivoted on the issue ever since the utterly corrupt and equally cynical Hillary began to explain her spectacular loss as the Russian interference.

All of a sudden, McCarthyism’s ugly head rose and began to stare at us with its Medusa-like stare. Politicians began to be afraid to say what they thought. Academics, journalists, public personalities, and intellectuals were bullied into silence. Everyone felt the need to hide their greed, weakness, or ignorance behind the Ukrainian flag.

And then we had the spectacle of impeachments, the Mueller commission, endless Congressional hearings, and Trump’s derangement syndrome. Was anyone observing and analyzing? Was anyone asking questions? Was anyone protesting? Not really.

When people in Ukraine fell silent, the reasons for that were clear. They were bullied, physically attacked, intimidated, if not killed, by the neo-nazis who went berserk and began burning people, tying to the polls, beating, and so on.

But why did Western opinion makers fall in line, follow this nonsense for eleven years, and continue to follow it, at least as far as Western Europe is concerned?

As an academic and intellectual, I can explain it but can’t. I can’t really explain why otherwise sane people suddenly began to act with cowardliness, stupidity, militant ignorance, self-righteousness, and virtue signaling. It wasn’t fear, as in Ukraine. Greed? Well, that’s fine as far as the military-industrial complex is concerned. But the rest of the populace? Fear of being fired? Bullied? Silenced? Fear of being different, herd mentality?

It is all very sad. Of course, history can put everything in its place. So sooner or later, the truth of the situation, of the sick symbiosis of the most liberal side of Democrats with the most neo-nazi side of Ukrainian society, would have been studied and exposed. But for the time being, I am glad that Trump, with the power vested in him, has challenged this wall of lies. Without him, it would have taken much longer. So yes, he is arbitrary, whimsical, myopic, or whatever you have. But at least he punctured this giant bubble, or rather, began to diagnose the rot that has utterly disfigured Western society.
