Who Liberated Auschwitz?

King Charles of Britain, to his lasting honor, has become the first ruling monarch of his long line ever to visit the Nazi extermination camp of Auschwitz: His mother, the incredibly long-lived and long-reigning Queen Elizabeth II, also had an impeccable record of sympathy and recognition for the victims and survivors of that notorious genocide.

Also, it is certainly not King Charles’ fault that the British Deep State has energetically cooperated with its counterparts in the United States, to arm to the hilt puppet Ukrainian forces since the toppling by the West of that country’s genuinely independent and democratically elected government in the Maidan Coup of 2014. Those forces have always openly included openly neo-Nazi, ferociously racist, Russian-hating militias.

Therefore it should be no wonder that in this pious week of the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, no one across Western Europe and the United States is allowed to mention in the so-called mainstream media the embarrassingly sensitive question of who it was that actually liberated Auschwitz; Who ended the killing there; And who, with desperate, superhuman measures, saved the lives of the remaining 7,000 incarcerated enslaved despairing souls they found there.

Why it was Russian forces of the Red Army of the Soviet Union, of course: They included also tens of thousands of brave Ukrainians and o dedicated Muslim soldiers from Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and the other Soviet republics in Central Asia. Where are they being honored amid the Niagara of crocodile tears shed across the West this week to commemorate the 80th anniversary of their heroic achievement? Why, nowhere at all of course.

Over the past quarter century, every few years, I publish an op-ed somewhere on this subject – in different countries and over three continents so far (America, Europe and Asia). The subject becomes ever more important because it speaks to the wicked and plain insane demonization of Russia, the Russian people and all things Russia that have swept the West especially since the Maidan coup in Ukraine in 2014 and Russia’s determined reactions to it.

Nearly a decade ago, I had a morning coffee with Professor Edward Lozansky, President of the American University in Moscow and founder of this New Kontinent web platform at his Washington DC apartment right beside the Van Ness-UDC Metro Red Line station on Connecticut Avenue, just a few miles down the road from where we lived at the time near the Grosvenor Metro on the same Red Line.

We had already been colleagues and friends on The Washington Times nearly 30 years before and Ed was also a former Soviet nuclear physicist who with his wife emigrated to the West under the most difficult circumstances and been a close colleague and friend of the legendary great physicist and peace campaigner Andrei Sakharov himself.

And it was then that Ed, over our coffee, made an observation that chilled me to the bone. “The American people,” he said, “are turning their country into the Soviet Union. And they don’t even realize it.”

Over the 10 years since then, that process has accelerated exponentially. This has especially been the case during the dark, sinister, corrupt-beyond-imagining past four years when the ghostly, mindless, senile and drooling Joe Biden wandered the corridors of the White House, laughably claiming he was “In charge! I get it!”

During those four years, the arming of the murderous, repressive, corrupt and cruel Ukrainian clique with endless US, British and Western money has enslaved the Ukrainian people and mobilized them at the cost of now nearly three quarters of a million dead to try and “bleed Russia white.” They have certainly inflicted scores of thousands of deaths on the Russian armed forces and people. But bleeding Russia white, despite the Orwellian unending bombardment of lies in the Mainstream US and British media, that they have not done.

Voices of common sense, skepticism and Inconvenient Facts have struggled in their thousands to get on the record where-ever they can. Therefore, it is timely this week to remember again the forces of the Red Army’s elite 1085th Tarnopol Rifle regiment led by Lieutenant Colonel Anatoly Shapiro of the First Ukrainian Front, commanded by legendary Soviet Marshal Ivan Konev. And the amazing doctors, nurses and orderlies of Red Army Military Hospital Number 2962 run by Dr. Maria Zhilinskaya. 

Their story was most recently recorded in English for the Western world by an outstanding Welsh historian, Michael K. Jones in his classic 2011 book “Total War: From Stalingrad to Berlin.” But you never see the true story of the combat liberation of Auschwitz, which cost the lives of hundreds of brave soldiers, cited anywhere amid the endless pious speeches and tributes of this past week.

When Colonel Shapiro died in 2006 at the age of 92 he was rich in honors as well as years. The governments of the Soviet Union, Russia, Poland and Ukraine had all awarded him some of their highest decorations for valor. He was well known and respected by international gatherings of Holocaust survivors.

But in the more than 18 years since his death, Shapiro’s name has been scandalously forgotten by the public at large in Israel, the United States and throughout the Western World. Nor during his lifetime did he ever gain in Israel and the West the renown of thousands of far lesser figures. For Shapiro was a Red Army officer – and proud of it to his dying day.  His extraordinary life highlights the complexities, the ironies and the genuine shing examples of decency and heroism that permeate human history, especially amid the bloodbaths of the past 120 years. 

The slaughter in Ukraine continues. The deadly rush towards nuclear conflagration between Russia and the West is now closer than ever. President Donald Trump is clearly sincere in his recognition of the dangers of nuclear war and his deep desire to avert it. Yet he has surrounded himself with advisers and officials who have thrived on fake macho confrontations and empty verbal abuse when the need for wisdom, compromise and disengagement remains so great.
