Worse than Vietnam and Middle East

The list of United States war crimes is long but they are usually referred to as violations of the law of war which were "committed by members of the United States Armed Forces."

At the same time, many wars, including major ones in the post-WW2 periods in Vietnam and the Middle East, starting with Iraq and on, were criminal in nature, and have been committed by the U.S. government as a whole, and not just by its Armed Forces.   

When it comes to the current U.S. proxy war in Ukraine, the crime reaches another level which denigrates not only the politics of the supposedly democratic country but contradicts the basic spirit and soul of America itself.

Until recently, this “land of the free” was a place where the overwhelming majority of its citizen, claimed a proud adherence to the Judeo-Christian values.    

Provoking, funding, and prolonging the war between the two Christian nations who lived together for over three centuries and who were bounded by close historical, religious, economic, cultural, and family ties were never meant to promote democracy but rather to use Ukrainians as cannon fodder to preserve the geopolitical advantage of the hegemon. Of course, there was an additional incentive to make money for the military-industrial complex, and, as it turns out, to enrich the current U.S. President’s family.

These facts imply that in the case of the present Ukrainian war policy, we are witnessing a crime that supersedes those earlier moral atrocities in Vietnam and the Middle East.

What is even more damaging to Washington’s image on the world stage is that it is doing all of this in close tandem with a nominally Jewish President Zelensky whose regime is using U.S. and NATO weapons to kill non-combatants, destroy homes and civilian infrastructure, and conduct acts of terror.

Another despicable act by Zelensky is his persecution of Ukrainian Christians, whose leaders are arrested, churches vandalized or outright confiscated, and regrettably so far, we have not heard any criticism of this policy from official Washington, the media, or even Jewish and Christian organizations.

Moreover, on June 29, the Ivy League Stanford University hosted a delegation from the Azov Brigade, a neo-Nazi formation in the Ukrainian National Guard. During this panel, Azov’s neo-Nazi insignia was projected onto the wall, and among the attendees were none other than noted political scientist Francis Fukuyama, who posed for a photograph with the delegation.

A single criticism of this event appeared in the Jewish paper Forward which noted that in the past, the Nazi-hunter Simon Wiesenthal Center, the Anti-Defamation League, and even U.S. Congress raised alarm about Azov but presently “this adulation of a neo-Nazi formation has been met with silence by the Jewish [and Christian] community.”

The Jewish communities in the U.S. and Europe are concerned about the rise of antisemitism, and are constantly calling on their governments and the public to fight it, but shouldn’t they also be concerned about the actions of Zelensky’s regime which might also contribute to the rise of antisemitism?  

The Biden administration and Congress are packed with the very same folks who somehow manage to balance their supposed “Judeo-Christian values” with the persecution of Christians in Ukraine. The latest Biden crime is his approval of sending cluster munitions to Ukraine which over 100 countries, including the UK, France, and Germany, have outlawed under the Convention on Cluster Munitions. Human Rights Watch condemned this saying that “transferring these weapons would inevitably cause long-term suffering for civilians and undermine the international opprobrium of their use.”

Having done so much to provoke Russia through NATO’s Eastern expansion, and insisting on continuing this policy by adding Ukraine to this military block, the chances that they will repent and change course before the inevitable fires spread across the globe are admittedly close to zero.

But who knows what would happen if their priests, rabbis, as well as parishioners in their churches and synagogues, plus those in the electorate representing the overwhelming majority of Americans who believe that the country is going in the wrong direction, started to raise their voices in protest? If a movement led by a true “moral majority” of citizens awakens before we pass the point of no return, perhaps we can stop at the edge of the abyss and return to a life where our values correspond to the Ten Commandments rather than lunatics’ desire for hegemony and world domination. U.S. currency bears the statement, “In God We Trust.” Maybe we don’t have much time left to make that more than just a slogan.
