

11 mins read

ACURA ViewPoint: Benjamin S. Dunham: Ukraine: Why President Trump Is Leaving the Biden Policy Behind

In a moment of candor shortly after the Russian invasion, Ukraine’s President Zelensky told The Economist, “There are those in the West who don’t mind a long war because it would mean exhausting Russia, even if this meant the demise of Ukraine and comes at the cost of Ukrainian lives.” His government was then involved in peace negotiations with Russia, but under pressure from the West, those promising negotiations were abandoned. Since then, the ongoing war—tragically unfolding in lives lost and people displaced (but profits gained from arms sales!)—may be viewed as a fulfillment of Zelensky’s chilling prediction.


6 mins read

Biden Must Explain What the Ukraine War Was For

Much of the death and destruction was avoidable.


5 mins read

Why Biden’s Ukraine Win Was Zelensky’s Loss

When Russia invaded Ukraine nearly three years ago, President Joe Biden set three objectives for the U.S. response. Ukraine’s victory was never among them. The phrase the White House used to describe its mission at the time—supporting Ukraine “for as long as it takes”—was intentionally vague. It also raised the question: As long as it takes to do what?


7 mins read

Biden’s Ukraine disaster was decades in the making

American securocrats pushed for expansionist policies in the 1990s that set the West and Russia on a path of confrontation.


9 mins read

President Who Wasn’t Really There

Joe Biden as Star Wars’ Phantom Menace


6 mins read

Devoted to “weaker” Russia, exiting Biden team finds “strength” in Ukraine

While Jake Sullivan claims that the Biden team is playing a “strong hand” in Ukraine, proxy war reality says otherwise.


13 mins read

PATRICK LAWRENCE: The Biden Family of Liars

Given Joe Biden’s apparently intimate involvement in Hunter’s dealings, it follows that his intent in pardoning his son is effectively to secure a pardon for himself.


7 mins read

Biden’s Last Hurrah Against Russia and Putin

Frustration escalates for the the lame duck president


12 mins read

PATRICK LAWRENCE: Biden’s ‘Samson Option’

It wasn’t hard to foresee that those planning and executing U.S. foreign policy, lacking all imagination and anything remotely resembling courage, would prove incapable of an orderly transition to a multipolar world order.


10 mins read

The Biden Legacy: War With Russia?

The administration’s decision to allow strikes on Russian territory brings the U.S. to the brink.