

4 mins read

Why is the press giving Antony Blinken an easy ride?

Defeat, it is said, is a better teacher than success. The US Democratic Party has just suffered a shattering defeat, and desperately needs to learn from it. In the area of foreign policy, at least, this however appears unlikely — at least to judge by two interviews given by outgoing Secretary of State Antony Blinken to the New York Times and Financial Times.


7 mins read

On Way Out, Reckless Biden Allows Deep Russia Strikes

With his party decisively beat at the polls, the rejected president is gambling with regional security to preserve his ‘legacy’ and to saddle the incoming president, who wants to end the war, with a major new crisis, writes Joe Lauria.


5 mins read

How Blinken turned the diplomatic corps into a wing of the military

In 2021 the administration said it would pursue ‘relentless diplomacy.’ They call it something else today in Ukraine.


9 mins read

The Madness of Antony Blinken

Two years after the Pentagon shot down his ploy for a no-fly zone against Russia in Ukraine, the U.S. “top diplomat” has been at it again pushing an even more insane idea, writes Joe Lauria.


3 mins read

Blinken in Kiev: ‘I’m Satan to Them”

Two thousand years ago, the reviled Roman Emperor Nero fiddled while Rome burned.


5 mins read

Blinken rocks out on a road to nowhere

The Secretary of State delivered remarks to Ukraine this week that paint a rosy scenario defying reality


6 mins read

The Rules of Blinken the Diplomat

Putting aside all the verbiage about a new “rules-based” world order, the essence of current US policy is to maintain its elusive hegemony and the right to overthrow governments or impose sanctions on countries that refuse to submit to that hegemony.


10 mins read

Patrick Lawrence: The Impotence of Antony Blinken

With the U.S. unable to compete in the EV market and desperate in Ukraine, the Secretary of State traveled to China to talk at Beijing for his domestic audience.