2 mins read
Germany Warns of Industry Shutdown If Russian Gas Stops Flowing
Economy Minister Habeck urges policymakers to learn from past. Russia-Ukraine gas transit agreement due to expire next year.
2 mins read
Economy Minister Habeck urges policymakers to learn from past. Russia-Ukraine gas transit agreement due to expire next year.
4 mins read
Russian grain exports are expected to reach record levels in the current 2022-2023 agricultural season, with estimates by various domestic agencies and institutions ranging from 55.5mn to 59.3mn tonnes, Kommersant daily reported.
5 mins read
There was much mirth in the West this week when Vladimir Putin’s Victory Day parade through Red Square included just one tank, itself a relic from a museum. The inference was that Russia has lost so much military kit in Ukraine that it is a shadow of the military superpower the Soviet Union used to be.
6 mins read
The West’s sweeping sanctions on Russia following its invasion of Ukraine are shaping up to be the West’s most monumental miscalculation in modern history. The sanctions have not brought the Russian economy to its knees, as was widely predicted. Instead, it’s the Western economies that are reeling, their economic growth all but stopped. Many of them are simultaneously suffering from both high inflation and energy shortages.
4 mins read
Event was ‘overwhelmingly pro-Russian’, says one attendee, as bank calls clients to apologise
1 min read
Less than Nine Percent of Western Firms Have Divested from Russia
10 mins read
The Ukraine crisis has more or less reinforced the nearly global view that the world is better served with multipolarity and multilateralism.
5 mins read
Sanctions always fail, as the Chinese found out long ago.
8 mins read
To observe Zelensky’s statement to western media, arguing that African countries may face famines, is both absurd and disingenuous.
8 mins read
Moscow is raking in more revenue than ever with the help of new buyers, new traders and the world’s seemingly insatiable demand for crude