7 mins read
Escalating trade war and the West’s falling competitiveness
Escalating trade war and the West’s falling competitiveness
7 mins read
Escalating trade war and the West’s falling competitiveness
12 mins read
After witnessing a historic financial collapse in the former Soviet Union, I thought bad advice from Western economists was a root cause. Now I think failure was the plan
4 mins read
The race for reconstruction has already begun. The American giants are in the front row. About one trillion dollars of investment is at stake. For the economic, political, and military debt that will burden Kyiv for generations to come
7 mins read
Experts said Europe is ‘shooting itself in the foot’ with current sanctions strategy. They warned Russia is developing considerable resilience to sanctions regimes
8 mins read
In his recent article on attritional warfare, Alex Vershinin at the Royal United Services Institute remarked that ‘war is won by economies, not armies’. Put another way, the country that can outspend its rival in military endeavour will ultimately prevail.
5 mins read
LONDON, March 22 (Reuters) – Some western banks are lobbying against EU proposals to redistribute billions of euros in interest earned on frozen Russian assets, senior industry sources said, fearing it could lead to costly litigation. European Union leaders on […]
8 mins read
As political paralysis grips Berlin, the energy crisis was the final blow for a growing number of manufacturers
11 mins read
Russia’s economy defied all expectations in 2023 by not only not collapsing but by being the fastest growing country in Europe by the end of 2023.
9 mins read
The boomerang effect of the Russian sanctions on the EU member states is having a mixed impact. Germany, France and Italy are worst affected as the pain from the changes in energy and input supplies impact their economies, dragging them down into recession, while the less dependent on Russia like Spain and Portugal are already showing signs of recovery, according to ING analysis.
9 mins read
Has Biden’s pipeline sabotage led to the rise of the German right?