

5 mins read

The Continuing Isolation of Russia? But Wait…

In his State of the Union address, President Biden announced that Russia was “isolated from the world more than [it] ever has been.” He said that “We are choking off Russia’s access to technology that will sap its economic strength and weaken its military for years to come.”


5 mins read

Russia sanctions are spurring a new Silk Road

To avoid sanctions, countries are actively reopening moribund routes and creating greater connectivity across the Middle East and Asia.


5 mins read

In the Energy Markets, Putin Is Winning the War

Europe’s energy crisis will test the resolve of Western governments to curb their addiction to Russian oil and gas.


8 mins read

Why this Economic War on Russia Breaks All Rules of the Game

The ‘great expropriation’ will come to be regarded as a turning point — one which the great powers of the world will likely regret.


8 mins read

Say hello to Russian gold and Chinese petroyuan

The Russia-led Eurasia Economic Union and China just agreed to design the mechanism for an independent financial and monetary system that would bypass dollar transactions.


11 mins read

We Have Yet to See the Full Economic Costs of War With Russia

The interdependence that allowed the West to execute such a devastating blow against Russia in the initial phases of this economic war leaves the West and the world acutely vulnerable to very serious retaliatory costs.


2 mins read

Russia Boosts U.S. Fuel Exports Amid European Energy Crunch

A fleet of tankers laden with Russian diesel heading to the U.S. East Coast may help to alleviate the most expensive retail prices for the fuel in seven years.